Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] [verb] back [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 belief is that er if you get the trustee balance right , that 's the first place where the decision ought to be made , but there should be a fall-back position which Good has given , which they the trustees could go to the regulator in the case of er not being able to solve things , but are feeling very much on surpluses , that the money is there first of all to pay pensions and until pensions are paid up to Inland Revenue levels , whatever they are , then no money should go back to the company .
2 I M P A Cs belief is that er if you get the trustee balance right , that 's the first place where the decision ought to be made , but there should be a fall back position which Good has given , which they they trustees could go to the regulator in the case of er not being able to solve things , but our feeling very much on surplus is that the money is there first for to pay pensions and until pensions are paid up to Inland Revenue levels whatever they are , then no money should go back to the company .
3 British Rail should go back to the drawing board , look at the line and the station together , and produce a new , properly worked out Bill that addresses both the line and the station .
4 The Minister is backing away from the commitment that the Scottish Transport Group and the Government gave , and is now saying that the money must go back into the Treasury 's coffers .
5 To measure sincerity in weapons proved very difficult , and so , from time to time , the American delegation would fall back on the mantra of peace , peace to which only Iraq was the obstacle , peace in which all these obsessions about the latest arms and the best would be redundant .
6 Mummy will come back in a few minutes , wo n't she , for Susie ? ’
7 The recall re-presents come back in two phases erm one tape will come back on the fifteenth of April , the second tape will come back on the sixteenth of April which means that those policies , when status report runs on the fifteenth of April it will only assess those policies erm that have had
8 The recall re-presents come back in two phases erm one tape will come back on the fifteenth of April , the second tape will come back on the sixteenth of April which means that those policies , when status report runs on the fifteenth of April it will only assess those policies erm that have had
9 The entry will go back into the bag for the Grand Draw , so you 'll have the chance of winning more than one prize if you fill in this section — but it is entirely optional .
10 If all goes according to plan the enemy will fall back into a defensive position to the west of the area , around an airfield .
11 Looking ahead , Souness said he was confident his side can bounce back in the League after the reverse at Tottenham .
12 I think what what Mr Wincup was saying at the end of the day , is that the Inspector 's report and the conclusions on the greenbelt local plan will go back to the parent authority , the originating authority , which is North Yorkshire , equally my rec report , out recommendations on this alteration go back to North Yorkshire , they have to take regard to whatever we recommend , ultimately they will take a decision on that , erm depending on the decision other things may flow from it , and I ca n't really speculate on what those are at the moment , but effectively the final decision as to what they accept or reject will rest with North Yorkshire .
13 The Business Plan will go back with the letter to them .
14 Others are bound to arise ; not least because , as the Soviet Union cracks apart , documents and material taken there after the war may drift back into the hands of historians .
15 He could see the longer teeth at the sides of her mouth and the folds of wet black skin that at any moment would draw back in a threatening snarl .
16 Canadian software outfit , Cognos Inc , will continue to sell StarBase , its version of InterBase , but the product will revert back to the InterBase name .
17 The hon. Gentleman should look back at the Labour party 's record in government before he starts to criticise ours .
18 Suitable scenes of red-faced hilarity would occur back at the office as someone always tipped off the entire staff to be ready at the front door .
19 Lexandro would fire back at the figure mistakenly …
20 The pendulum will swing back with a pope of another complexion and a new phase of more radical reform will curb the structures of ultramontanism in a way Vatican II almost wholly failed to do .
21 I do n't see that in any combination of these Amendments , I very much hope that my Noble Friend will come back at the report stage with our grateful thanks for having found a process which will produce a body of co of o of appointed members on the police authorities of a position to influence but not to determine his policy and that should be an a position , I agree with my Noble Friend , Lord Motterstone subordinate to that of the magistrates .
22 That way , the ball will fade back into the middle of the fairway .
23 As well as reporting policy requirements to advice workers , the manager must pass back to the area office any new training needs that have emerged from basic advice work .
24 Anyone who hits the wrong egg must go back to the beginning .
25 There was the man who had been with him and taken the briefcase from the hotel room and who in the morning would go back to the Golani Brigade stationed on the Lebanese border and who would be chided by his fellow officers for having taken leave while the military workload was intense .
26 Although no note awaited her on the doorstep , no letter came and there were no phone calls , Anna knew the cat woman would come back on the following evening .
27 A spokesman said the inspector would report back to the boy 's father , Bernard Grainger , of Melland Street .
28 But the government has just announced that this staff concerned with employment advice will move back into the Department of Employment , to ensure that their work is more integrated with that of the staff paying benefits to the unemployed .
29 It was about this time that I received a letter from Dr Liu Shih-Shun , Chinese Ambassador in Ottawa , who informed me that , with the imminent cessation of hostilities in Asia , the Chinese government would move back from the wartime capital of Chungking to the south central city of Nanking .
30 This can be a two-way flow ; a good home base can help to create contentment , and at the same time personal satisfaction in life will feed back into the home and make it a pleasant environment for others .
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