Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] [verb] you [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For example , being born in a neighbourhood may entitle you to a higher place in the queue for housing provided by that local authority .
2 An image consultant such as Public Persona could point you in the right direction .
3 If you let it , fear will hurl you into a sick , cold terror .
4 Eight ‘ first ’ books for under one pound will strike you as a remarkable offer right now .
5 ‘ The car will collect you at the airport and then you will be brought to the Hacienda de Nieve .
6 Mountain lifts : The famous Hahnenkamm cable car will whisk you to the top of the mountain in minutes , for wonderful panoramic views and rambles .
7 Your day-by-day programme will take you through the necessary steps but , first , here are some important tips on the subject of food .
8 You can use a stronger line which is less likely to be cut ; but , inevitably its extra weight and drag will put you at a disadvantage in terms of manoeuvrability .
9 At 65 kts a gentle back pressure on the wheel will lift you off the runway and the wheels should be raised before reaching the 75 kt limiting speed for retraction .
10 That is to say , your study will provide you with the knowledge that is generally accepted as making up the subject .
11 You can adopt an ant for £20 — which some people may consider a little extreme , considering a scorpion will sting you for the same amount .
12 At least , that 's the financial advice any Arsenal fan will give you after the way they toyed with and destroyed Coventry using an explosive cocktail of skill , imagination and old-fashioned strengths .
13 For example , pressing the key followed by the F key will take you into the filer popdown .
14 So said Freud , it 's no wonder that people believe in religion , because religion can provide you with a lot , with a lot of gratification , but the fundamental psychological explanation for this , says Freud , is that these feelings that religion gratifies in adult life , are transferences of feelings that we all had in infancy .
15 If , however , this is not the case , the specialist may put you on a long course of low dose antibiotics .
16 Coolly , she said , ‘ OK — I 'll leave you to get on with whatever work will take you to the middle of the night . ’
17 Individually tailored training programmes and special project work will take you beyond the boundaries of your own scientific discipline into managerial issues across the broader spectrum of science and technology .
18 Membership of the Campaign will pitch you into the heart of the battle to preserve British beer .
19 When you have finished entering your tension details , pressing ESCAPE will take you to the sub menu .
20 If you are about to invest , our 20 point plan will guide you to a failsafe purchase .
21 If you are about to invest , our 20 point plan will guide you to a failsafe purchase .
22 These basic movements plus the complete 360-degree circle or loop will lead you into the lazy eight .
23 On a fast , gusty launch a wooden glider will treat you to a series of creaks and groans , and occasionally bangs , which are alarming until you realize that it is all pretence and that the structure is not in the least danger of breaking up .
24 After a stop for lunch ( not included ) your coach will take you to the famous Keukenhof Flower Gardens where you can spend the afternoon at leisure wandering around the 65 acre estate and marvel at the millions of flowers displayed with perfect artistry in the greenhouses and beautiful landscaped gardens .
25 In the privacy and comfort of our Colour Spa , Prescriptives will explain their Exact Colour philosophy and Harpers & Queen will take you through the trends for the season , focusing on your individual colouring , style and figure type .
26 ‘ The High Queen will receive you in the Sun Chamber , ’ and Fergus had known at once what was ahead .
27 In a new job , a few quick drinks after work can provide you with a great deal of information and understanding .
28 The spirit of 1992 and European unity could get you on a freebie to the Himalayas .
29 By Hilary Applegate IF YOUR garden suffers from slow-draining surface water , slow plant growth or shallow rooting , it could pay dividends to find out whether a soil profile could provide you with a diagnosis .
30 Our team will point you on the right road towards a slimmer , healthier figure , with dietary and fitness advice tailored to your needs .
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