Example sentences of "[noun sg] [subord] they [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These dramatic spectacles are caused by charged particles , which are accelerated in solar flares , being diverted towards the poles by the Earth 's magnetic field where they enter the upper atmosphere causing ionisation and producing light .
2 They could n't see the shepherd until they crossed the last rise but they could hear the sheepbells on the clear air .
3 Give-aways such as book matches , note pads , pens , pencils , diaries , calendars and stationery , can be regarded as a good investment if they promote the good image of the establishment .
4 Of course a well-heeled litigant would still be able to frighten booksellers and newsagents by notifying them of the alleged libel and threatening to join them in the action unless they withdrew the offending publication from sale .
5 The next night Bob Smith took soundings over the stern of the canoe while David Brand held her steady as she bucked in a rising wind while they fixed the exact position of this bank .
6 And yet , as the sentry yelled for a stable boy to take Guy 's horse before they mounted the outer stairway of the forebuilding , he felt every muscle in his body tighten .
7 Devlin could hear the sounds of shooting as they descended the steep stairway .
8 The company has devised a system of recording non-copyright material , like discordant brass band music or language tuition , on the bulk rolls of tape as they leave the magnetic coating bath .
9 When uproariously drunk , they will ride sheep by moonlight , throwing their hats in the air and whooping with glee as they drive the confused flock in circles .
10 The rowan ( Sorbus aucuparia ) is a great favourite of starlings , which provide an amusing display of gluttony as they devour the bright red autumn berries .
11 The heads of government had regional integration in mind when they formed the Caribbean Community ( Caricom ) in 1973 .
12 The Whig reformers had their own political views in mind when they described the typical Scottish politician as a man whose position was secured by extensive bribery of a small venal electorate concerned only with individual advantage , or , alternatively , by the politician ignoring the true electorate and placing reliance upon nominal and fictitious voters who had been added to the freeholders rolls in the counties .
13 and within the last say twenty five years there 's been a dramatic change in the young people 's way of thinking , maybe more of them have gone to university than they did the previous twenty five years and that there is such a difference now than there was that I mean for instance if there was a war there would n't , there would be far more conscientious objectors than there ever was before far more than erm young man saying no I 'm going to fight for my country , be patriotic I do n't think you would find , for instance , the youth of this country so patriotic as they was in the last war , your country needs you .
14 Brothers created elaborate practical arrangements to emphasize their equality ; or they divided the household if they thought the implicit pattern of seniority too discrepant with the facts .
15 The celebrations that marked United 's third major Cup — four if you count the European Super Cup — in two calendar years could just be a rehearsal if they land the First Division title in the next three weeks .
16 They moved cautiously along a dimly-lit passage until they reached the steep narrow ladder that descended to the next level .
17 Throughout the night , throughout the seven hours it took to cover the one hundred and twenty kilometres to Leipzig , they had not passed another vehicle until they joined the rush-hour traffic into the city .
18 However , he would be a perfect recruit for Arsenal , whose season has ground to a halt since they led the Premier League in early November .
19 A number of the earliest abolitionists , however , experienced a difficult and anxious passage before they recognised the particular role providentially required of them .
20 From the far side of the perimeter path he had watched the detail at their work as they scraped the overnight snow from the coal mountain , then shovelled the buckets and sacks full .
21 Previous generations may also have felt a passing pang of regret as they allowed the younger generation to take their place , but they were not subjected to the pressure to stay young which affects men and women of forty or fifty today .
22 Join Zitz , Rash and Pimple as they tackle the evil Dark Queen .
23 Virginia was suddenly as white as her sister-in-law as they made the tortuous descent down the wide , dog-leg staircase , and across the hall .
24 While the rest of the inhabitants are in bed , citizens ' patrols keep the peace — groups of 15 men in cowboy hats , holding aloft the ragged blue-and-white national flag as they walk the cobbled streets .
25 The first form talked about it more than any one else , of course they squealed with laughter when they saw the poor Mary Lou Manselle and Gwendoline , all falling victims to the same spider , jolly clever spider said Irene , it means the only three people in the form that it that would be scared of it , I take my hat off to that spider , ca n't think why it chose my desk said Mary Lou , no , that was a shame said Gwendoline , poor Mary Lou it must of been an awful shock for you when you saw it , I wonder who put it there ?
26 That has now been achieved and , although we know that a long road awaits the negotiators , it is refreshing to see the leaders of the Palestinian people at the conference table and to watch their demeanour as they approach the massive problems .
27 A huge local family came in as she was drinking coffee , and suddenly there were voices and laughter as they arranged the stately grandmother at the head of the table , the boisterous children banished to the other end .
28 It may enable him or her to highlight some salient point , or to focus pupils ' attention on a particular question as they view the next sequence .
29 Floating wheatgerm pellets should be gradually phased into their diet until they replace the normal , high-protein formula .
30 Does he agree that it would be an act of the most amazing folly to tamper with the provisions that currently apply , and yet that is exactly what the Opposition are committed to doing if they win the general election ?
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