Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] [to-vb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It may be that Parliament has to look at this issue of excluding people from property when they 've got property rights , ’ he said .
2 In winter , skin has to contend with central heating and cold temperatures ; conditions which can cause even the oiliest of skin types to become dehydrated .
3 The main contractor has to plan for subcontracted work just as seriously as for his or her own work .
4 The market is being distorted : if General Electric wants to come into this country , it gives a price concession which damages one of this country 's crucial companies .
5 Indeed , by failing to acknowledge what applied research has to say on this matter , the Griffiths report proceeds from a false premise ( that care by the community — in its present form — is desirable and will continue ) to a false conclusion ( that publicly provided services can be increasingly restricted to an enabling and facilitating role ) .
6 The Irish Republic is a Catholic country and even those Protestants who do not expect to be actively persecuted doubt that they will have full civil and religious liberty when the major religious institution refuses to engage in fair competition by , for example , permitting the parents free choice of their child 's religion in the case of mixed marriage .
7 One is that women 's fear of rape by a stranger is inborn ; another is that crime reporting tends to focus on violent crime , particularly against women . ’
8 If local scepticism tends to collapse into global scepticism , this may be an advantage , since global sceptical arguments are generally more convincing and effective than their local counterparts .
9 But by distinguishing clearly between them in this methodological fashion it is possible to explore how far local state action tends to fall into one type rather than another when action on any one policy is considered .
10 No further digestion appears to occur after this time suggesting that the Eco K enzyme has no turnover and remains bound to the substrate [ 5 , 6 , 34 ] .
11 Moderate weight loss seems to lead to subtle ovulation disorders and therefore to decreasing fecundity .
12 Glasgow offers an excellent Higher Education infrastructure and the Agency 's Technology Programme aims to build on this strength by helping it develop stronger links with key high technology companies .
13 For example , plasticity seems to depend on identifiable ion channels and catalytic molecules that activate or inhibit these channels .
14 The Association continues to work in close co-operation with the RAF Benevolent Fund .
15 More important , since Pound 's use of indentations conveys visually the effect of the verse-lines being ‘ stepped ’ down the page , to speak of ‘ step ’ shifts attention from what rhythmically happens between the start and end of a line to how the poet manages to turn from one line to another .
16 Small bowel obstruction continues to occur after this operation despite increasing experience with the procedure .
17 Obviously this indirect mechanism by which real income rises as the price level falls could continue for as long as ( a ) the rate of interest continues to fall ; and ( b ) the rate of investment continues to respond to these interest rate reductions .
18 His belief is that work has to go on all year round , whether or not that means taking on the hazardous and snow-covered Carpathian mountains .
19 Of the Guerrero-Girke combination , Kren remarks , ‘ You could say that Wright 's work has to do with strong control with a certain allowance for sentiment .
20 I was saying that the second major point of contention has to do with public consultation on the results of the Hydrotechnica report .
21 Today 's athlete has to specialise in one discipline in one sport in order to achieve success at the highest level .
22 Whichever happens to your child , you are very important to them and the Department of Social Work needs to keep in close touch with you at all times to try to work out what is best for your child .
23 Botulism tends to remain in one location , so it 's not a threat to Slimbridge .
24 The silent description of the dark scene seems to hold in all emotion , until it all breaks loose , and the melancholy that drags on throughout the poem is let out .
25 This quality of suffering seems to go beyond any classification of appropriateness or inappropriateness .
26 The Government has confirmed it intends to proceed with a Phase 2 scheme and , subject to approval from the its leisure sub-committee next week , the council hopes to build on last year 's success .
27 If the ERM continues to impose on this country an unemployment rate 750,000 above what it would otherwise be — and that is the average for Europe — we have only a short time before the racist and neo-fascist plague descends on us also — which is why launching the Anti-Racist Alliance was so urgent .
28 The Gordon 's ‘ Green ’ campaign continues to be popular in the UK spirits market , using the famous green of the UK Gordon 's livery with a series of witty one liners ‘ Gordon Bennett ’ was a development of this theme in the important pre-Christmas period — the first multi-coloured version of the campaign This recent work gained the highest awareness of any UK spirits advertising in the past five years The ‘ Green ’ campaign continues to appeal to all age groups , but most significantly has continued to improve the brand 's attraction amongst young adults
29 If the assembly council decides to report to next year 's general assembly that the Board of Social Responsibility is the best of all possible places for this work in training and advising ministers and others on health and healing , then we 'll happily accept that .
30 The developer will be obliged to use his best endeavours to resolve outstanding problems and the vendor himself may independently attempt to meet the conditions imposed by the contract , if the developer fails to proceed with due diligence .
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