Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 With Hewlett-Packard Co heading for $18,800m turnover this year and Fujitsu Ltd at around the $26,000m mark , while Digital Equipment Corp looks hopefully to Alpha to rocket it off its $14,000m-a-year launchpad , the contenders to take over leadership of the mainstream computer industry from IBM Corp are lining up — and a major new round of mergers and acquisitions could be on the way .
2 She turns round and a white sheet flaps , a white sail sails , a white wraith passes silently in front of her eyes .
3 Rejecting Galen 's theory , that blood passes directly from right to left ventricle , he proposed a vital role for the lungs , where a vital spirit emerged from the mixture of air and blood .
4 Third , in some cases the defendant acts instinctively in response to an unexpected situation , completely misjudging the proper reactions in the heat of the moment : this is a similar reason to the second , but adds the element of emotional disturbance , which may explain the over-reaction in certain cases .
5 Most of this fraud stems directly from CAP by way of its export subsidies , border taxes , price support mechanism and its subsidies for currency fluctuations .
6 did not ‘ think it is open to this court to hold that the rule applies only to damage to adjoining land or to a proprietary interest in land and not to personal injury . ’
7 We had encountered suggestions , in Prieuré de Sion sources , that certain of its early members , and of their offshoot , the Knights Templar , had established contact with certain Essene/Zadokite/Nazarean sects still in existence during the time of the Crusades , more than a thousand years after Jesus 's era .
8 Such support occurs either through membership of an organisation which happens to provide support for litigation , such as a trade union , or through membership of , or support by a pressure group , which is interested in dealing with only one issue , but which will support litigation if that litigation furthers the objectives of the group .
9 Well it 's a difficult question to ask in a answer in a way because , because the pattern of grouping differs enormously from school to school .
10 Well it 's a difficult question to answer in a way because the pattern on grouping differs enormously from school to school .
11 Home monitoring is now possible using test strips either in conjunction with a meter or simply using visual assessment .
12 In Du Cubisme they wrote : ‘ A decorative work exists only by virtue of its destination , comes to life only in relationship to determinate objects …
13 The September-October northern limit of pack ice varies considerably from year to year .
14 Accordingly , assessment of results must rely largely on subjective reports ; and the subjective experience of backpain varies greatly from person to person , and is much influenced by mental states ( and hence placebo effects ) .
15 Oliver LJ 's dissent seems more in tune with the decision of the European Court in Factortame II than are the judgments of the majority in Bourgoin .
16 Stock Exchange rallies strongly in response to open border .
17 At this stage , the translator need only be aware that there are different devices in different languages for creating ‘ texture ’ and that a text hangs together by virtue of the semantic and structural relationships that hold between its elements .
18 The development of play leads naturally towards involvement in games , which begin in imitative practice such as tying a shoelace , and develop towards symbolic constructions such as of villages or weddings .
19 A , premiums increase on each policy anniversary , B , cover escalates on each policy anniversary , C , benefit in payment increases annually in line with R P I , yes , all true so far ?
20 Opinion differs widely on value of these methods .
21 The climate differs less from north to south and distances are shorter .
22 By defining retirement as coterminous with dependency , the ‘ structured dependency ’ authors inevitably see the trend towards earlier retirement as regrettable , but in fact it need not be so : this depends on the extent to which retirement leads subsequently to poverty in old age , and to discover this it is necessary to look at the other three main determinants of the financial status of the elderly .
23 In addition , the rate of the tax varies widely from state to state — the standard rate in Ireland is 23 per cent whilst in Spain it is only 12 per cent .
24 In both countries , press attention varies directly with involvement in mainline politics .
25 The author seems more at home with that part of the study in which behavioural activities are interpreted by reference to models .
26 This distinction falls beautifully into place with the view of syntax which we sketched in Chapter 1 , but before explaining precisely how the two sorts of qualification work let us consider some more data from English .
27 The package leans nicely towards self-parody with the title of the album drawn by hand in a pool of phlegm .
28 Thermopsis montana lasts well in water with a dash of antiseptic to beat the rot
29 To attain hydrostatic equilibrium the position of the lithosphere adjusts vertically in accordance with its density and thickness .
30 Two simple planes connect the sunken eye socket to the forehead , and a small disk extends below from cheekbone to the inside corner of the eye , while the jaw , the nose and the section from nose to mouth and from mouth to chin are each clearly defined .
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