Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] [pron] [prep] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But it also happens that in the organization of recorded knowledge for retrieval the profession of librarianship finds itself at an interesting point of crisis .
2 Arriving like a final dea ex machina , Doris 's condition makes her like an ironic version of that goddess in Tennyson 's ‘ oenone ’ , ‘ Idalian Aphrodite beautiful , / Fresh as the foam , new-bathed in paphian wells . ’
3 In particular , Oakeshott 's conception provides us with an insightful critique of Dicey 's method in Law of the Constitution .
4 At its best , pluralist-orientated research provides us with an idealised description , in this case of the backward region , which puts certain features in very high relief ; in Banfield 's study , these features are mainly related to individual attitudes .
5 ‘ Instead the council finds itself in an impossible position . ’
6 ‘ Does n't it disgust you to be lying around at home while your child works herself into an early grave ? ’
7 In these circumstances , where a director alleges an agreement with a committee of the Board for payment of remuneration , the court will not , in law or equity , award a sum to him for services to the company , as in relying on such an alleged agreement the director involves himself in an irreconcilable conflict between his duties as a director and his personal interests .
8 This quotation points us towards an historical account of both the ‘ social evolution of Britain ’ and the ‘ certain political factors ’ which have weakened the ‘ class ’ alignment in British politics .
9 This last point leads us to an important , but frequently misunderstood , concept in the analysis of discourse .
10 Er and of course if you 're in one group , you might think that something 's trivial and you might denigrate another a group for talking about those things , when in fact that group sees it as an important talk about it might see the thing that the other group hold dear to talk about as something trivial , and to denigrate .
11 In the same way , when a teacher adjusts you into an upright position you will probably feel as though you are about to fall over in a forwards direction .
12 RADA offers two to three scholarships per year for UK students , Webber Douglas offers two , RSAMD offer a small number of scholarships and Guildford School of Acting offers one to an acting student , for fees only .
13 ILONA lives in Munich with her husband because US Immigration regards her as an undesirable .
14 Their grandfather Traveller Ward ( David Kelly ) delights in telling the wide-eyed duo gypsy tales and one day presents them with an untamed white horse , which captures their imagination .
15 This has always been a problem for heads because the structure of the service puts them in an isolated position .
16 The boy or girl was not ‘ a blank piece of paper on which the teacher should write ’ , and it was in this liberal spirit that he condemned drill : ‘ Military drill fashions him to an approved standard as part of the machine ; whereas the aim of Scouting is to develop his personal character and initiative . ’
17 Long before New York 's Whitney Museum mounts its own assessment in 1994 , the present exhibition introduces him to an European audience .
18 But yes but e e but er but when the spirit quickens you as an individual , at least I had no doubt that he was good .
19 The allegorical figure of Holy Church sets him on an inner journey as she teaches him that the object of his being is to discover a natural inward knowledge of a love for God that is greater than any other preoccupation .
20 To the west of the forest an hour long walk takes you to an impressive waterfall , Spout Force .
21 If you feel that the doctor regards you as an overanxious or ‘ difficult ’ parent , then try to stay calm and state your case clearly .
22 I think that the hatred and suspicion that Catholic and Protestants have of each other in the North locks them in an Eastern-European time-warp .
23 Trollope portrays her as an overbearing , bossy wife and woman right from the start even though he says ‘ it is not my intention to breathe a word against the character of Mrs. Proudie ’ .
24 Those who think of Pound as a great liberator from stiff and hidebound conventions will be disconcerted to find that Newbolt on the contrary treats him as an academic formalist .
25 To get round this problem , the tadpole 's mother provides it with an unusual food parcel — a supply of unfertilised eggs .
26 ‘ To wipe out almost your whole family suggests someone in an abnormal state of mind . ’
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