Example sentences of "[noun sg] [was/were] [vb pp] as the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The claimant could not be described as the lawful holder of the bill of lading unless a given copy or all the copies issued by the carrier were designated as the original bill or set of bills .
2 However , for many years North Shields and Tyne mouth were combined as the small County Borough of Tyne mouth ( 70% of which was made up of North Shields ) .
3 Economics , sociology , mathematics , law and accounting were suggested as the essential subjects , and although colleges could provide liberal studies also , ‘ we would stress the importance we attach to a liberal treatment of the whole curriculum ’ .
4 The continuing reluctance of the US Administration to agree to any specific targets on emissions or third-world aid was identified as the principal brake on progress .
5 FitzRoy died in 1865 and two years later the department was reconstituted as the Meteorological Office under a meteorological committee appointed by the Royal Society .
6 The programme was known as the European Nutrition and Health Initiative and heralded the European Year of Nutrition , planned for 1994 .
7 In the Ministry of Defence , the programme was known as the functional costing system and was closely modelled on the programme structure then in use by the Pentagon .
8 Total care within a segregated institutional setting was seen as the best answer to the social and individual problems arising from mental disorder .
9 On 11 January 1990 all three of the then directors resigned , and the applicant was appointed as the sole director , with Miss Susan Bird as secretary .
10 On the one hand , large-scale machine industry was seen as the necessary prerequisite for socialism .
11 The ANLT was selected as the best available rule-based parser to use .
12 Skomer Island off the Dyfed ( formerly Pembrokeshire ) coast was chosen as the specific target as it should by now have been a statutory Marine Nature Reserve .
13 The perceived prime advantage of residential homes was being well cared for and companionship ; the costs and loss of independence were perceived as the main disadvantages .
14 Consequently , prescriptive analysis was ambiguous : sustained export demand , not subject to stop/go was seen as the driving force yet dependent on improved competitiveness ; whether this improvement was itself dependent on export demand was never clearly specified .
15 Law and Baker 's joint transfer was greeted as the second coming .
16 The intelligence test was seen as the direct means of overcoming class difference in access to schooling — although this remained a means of social reform , not reform itself .
17 The issue of the transformation to political pluralism was regarded as the main obstacle to progress in the peace talks between the government and the Mozambique National Resistance ( Renamo or MNR ) , which resumed for a second round in Rome on Aug. 14 .
18 The discovery was hailed as the scientific sensation of the century and a huge search for another specimen was mounted .
19 Input feature vectors were compared to those of the dictionary words , and the word with the best match was chosen as the recognised word .
20 The crisis was described as the worst of its kind in Europe since the end of the Second World War .
21 The percentage time spent in each pH category for each group was expressed as the median-interquartile range .
22 As far as possible , the social conditions of the traditional system of mining were restored , while the ‘ three-task ’ group was defined as the new primary work group for coal mining operations .
23 This is the first controlled trial of a bismuth enema preparation in patients with distal ulcerative colitis. 5-Aminosalicylic acid was used as the alternative treatment because it is one of the most effective topical treatments available .
24 SKNSH RNA was included as the positive control for the human NF-L protected fragment of 154 nucleotides ( nt ) , while RNA from HeLa cells transfected with the β-globin gene alone was used as the positive control for the β-globin 212 nt signal , both indicated by arrows .
25 SKNSH RNA was used as the positive control to detect the human NF-L protected fragment of 121 nucleotides ( nt ) .
26 SKNSH RNA was used as the positive control to detect the human NF-L protected fragment .
27 SKNSH RNA was used as the positive control for the transgene signal .
28 In Kharkov and Poltava lack of fuel was cited as the worst problem of all .
29 Not surprisingly , customer demands for lower charges and improved service were cited as the major source of competitive pressure in the industry ( reported by over 55 per cent of all operators ) .
30 Peak acid output was defined as the two highest consecutive 15 minute outputs after pentagastrin , multiplied by two to express the results as mmol/h .
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