Example sentences of "[noun sg] [was/were] [adv] [verb] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The consequences of successive devaluations of the ‘ green ’ pound were also referred to by Mr Ramsay , who said ‘ With the compensation calculated at 80p per ecu as it was last September a high-yielding arable farm of 1,000 acres would have been over £48,000 worse off between 1993 and 1995 but now , with the rate at 98p per ecu that same farm 's cross margin will drop by just under £2,000 .
2 I spent my working life in an international chemical company and this confusion was often commented upon by my French , German , Dutch and Italian colleagues .
3 Although at first sight , therefore , it seems that there was a strong age-related gradient in the overall net income of elderly people , the effect was largely accounted for by the dissolution of married-couple households when husbands died , leaving widows significantly worse off not only than married couples , but also than men living on their own .
4 His action was unfavourably commented on in the Staff Common Room .
5 Repeatedly the theme of making the work place like a family was touched upon , and while higher management were not referred to as ‘ parents ’ it was clear that in feeling they were so regarded .
6 Following her enquiries in South Ronaldsay , she said it was clear that the law was not complied with at all times , and that grave irregularities had occurred .
7 ‘ My parents ’ marriage was not approved of by my father 's family , although my mother was a Darcy and well connected .
8 Spinsterhood was often referred to as ‘ failure in business ’ in middle class households , leading Cicely Hamilton to write bitterly about ‘ marriage as a trade ’ in 1909 .
9 The value of tolls levied in the duchy was specifically alluded to in a memorandum of 1294 : the French had occupied the duchy , had seisin of péages and rents in Aquitaine , and therefore controlled most of it .
10 In estimating ( 8 ) perfect foresight was initially assumed with ex post capital gains being used to measure expected capital gains .
11 His knowledge of coalmining and the geology of the north of England coalfields was now such that his assistance was frequently called upon by mine owners and speculators , and he acquired interests in a number of mines in the area .
12 break-up of family through death , divorce , separation ( especially when the child was not cared for by the mother )
13 The definition of ‘ consecutive ’ or ‘ non-selected ’ asthmatics was strictly adhered to by excluding from the study all those referred for investigation because of gastrointestinal signs or symptoms .
14 During the 11 years the numbers of residents in NHS geriatric and psychiatric beds fell by 41% ; this fall was partly compensated for by a 37% rise in the number of patients in acute beds .
15 The establishment of an interstate bank to co-ordinate fiscal policy in the rouble zone was also agreed to in principle by six member states — Byelarus , Russia , Kirgizstan , Uzbekistan , Kazakhstan and Armenia .
16 In the 1930s this zone was variously referred to as the ‘ axial belt ’ , even the ‘ coffin' , though in truth there was always a low-density gap between London and Birmingham , so perhaps ‘ doughnut ’ would have been more appropriate .
17 Antibodies to muscle actin were also searched for by counterimmunoelectrophoresis using rabbit muscle actin as antigen .
18 I mean the place was just buzzing with with journalists .
19 And so nature was not interfered with in the heart of the rainy season .
20 It became evident that there was no shortage of topics , and we decided that a conference was indeed called for in which we could pursue our shared interest in peaceful societies and attempt to challenge what we all regarded as a biased approach which presented human behaviour in terms of how aggressive drives are handled .
21 He was already a respected physician in his field , and his opinion was often called for in public hospitals and institutions , which was why he had been to the Foundling Hospital today .
22 The meeting was deeply split between on the one hand Serbia and Montenegro , who were in favour of the imposition of a state of emergency , and on the other hand Slovenia , Croatia , Macedonia and Bosnia-Hercegovinia , who were against .
23 When Leonard Aldous started in the harness-maker 's shop the business was often referred to by a different name .
24 Entry to this body was much sought after by wealthy young men , because of the prestige it conferred and because it guaranteed proximity to the Emperor .
25 Patients were admitted to an epilepsy unit for assessment , where scalp electroencephalogram and audiovisual behaviour were continually monitored during at least three typical seizures .
26 History , geography , technology , music , religious education , art and physical education were not dealt with in separate departments .
27 This excess was largely accounted for by women ( 10/13 in group A v two of seven in group B ) .
28 The variations in the overall rate were mainly accounted for by organized networks for cattle stealing which extended for scores of kilometres .
29 If anything , its additional colours brought extra glitter to the music , and this quality was certainly seized upon by the London Sinfonietta under Elgar Howarth , who eagerly compensated for the pianist 's lack of a trenchant or subtle delivery .
30 That topic was only touched upon by the hon. Member for Gateshead , East .
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