Example sentences of "[noun sg] [is] [to-vb] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One of the aims of this chapter is to look at the effect on word discriminability in continuous speech of increasing the depth of the phoneme graph .
2 The purpose of this chapter is to look at the infancy stories about Jesus as recorded by both Matthew and Luke .
3 A good rule is to look at the shape and size of the flower before you press it , and then imagine what it will look like once it is flat .
4 Work is to start at the end of the present season with the Wheatfield stand in place by August 1993 and the whole project completed for Spring 1994 .
5 Every day , almost my first act is to glance at the hills near my home .
6 The walks come as the International Whaling Committee is to meet at the end of this month when the whaling nations are expected to ask to have a ban on whaling lifted .
7 Rather , my aim is to look at the kinds of assumption that informed the various strands of positivist criminology , and at the way they differed from classical assumptions in both theory and practice .
8 The purpose of the present investigation is to look at the influence of psychosocial factors on these patterns of health in the middle years .
9 The object is to look at the growth experience of the United Kingdom over the last 80 years or so as a whole — which strangely enough has not yet been examined .
10 The Wanless way out of trouble is to look at the detail .
11 If your strategy is to start at the starboard end of the line and carry on sailing on starboard tack , the situation is as illustrated in Diagram 1 .
12 A crude but effective method is to look at the rider 's backside and pick a horse with one to match !
13 I have great difficulty in picking them up with binoculars , but with × 7 I find that the best method is to start at the Delta-Epsilon pair and then proceed to Lambda ( 3.8 ) ; M12 forms a triangle with Lambda and Epsilon .
14 The secret 's to start at the bottom and work up .
15 My idea of good style is to arrive at the stance with a minimum of runners .
16 It will be looking at the needs of the lay reps the role of full-time officers the way we distribute the up to date information and one of the most vital to our organization is to look at the role of health and safety in the recruitment and retention of membership .
17 it is really very difficult to stick to a principle when the form of capital can be changed about in the many forms that modern complex conditions will allow … the thing is to look at the spirit which initiates these particular forms of thrift on the part of people .
18 One of the best — and easiest ways to obtain information is to LOOK AT THE LABEL .
19 The purpose of this book is to look at the ways in which judges of the High Court , the Court of Appeal , and the House of Lords have in recent years dealt with political cases which have come before them .
20 One way of attempting to assess the situation is to look at the list of unfair terms set out in the annex to the Directive , and decide the extent to which English law will already control such clauses .
21 AFTER 65 years , the gavel is to fall at the London Auction Mart for the final time .
22 Another and more direct way is to look at the anatomy and physiology of the brain ; that is the subject of the next chapter .
23 The next logical step is to look at the idea of Highlander , to see how it operates , and how it differs completely from a conventional school for community organisers .
24 The first step is to look at the contract to see whether there is any discretion with regard to payment that is made .
25 Having assumed a number of basic requirements for the survival of society , the next step is to look at the parts of the social structure to see how they meet such functional prerequisites .
26 But the next step is to look at the catalogue of a good University library .
27 Our first step is to look at the context for the debate about age discrimination at work ; in particular , the growth of retirement in general and early retirement more specifically .
28 These include the introduction of a Northern Ireland curriculum for all children of compulsory school age in grant-aided schools , and a pattern of assessment criteria and attainment testing much as in England and Wales ( though the first key stage is to end at the age of 8 , not 7 , and Irish is to be a foundation subject in Irish-speaking schools ) .
29 A working party is to look at the provision for 16-plus age groups with special needs .
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