Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] out [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I was lying in the middle of a green lane clutching a bunch of dandelions , my fingers gummy with the pungent milk oozing out of the squashed stems .
2 It had taken until the long , open left-hander that leads down into Glen Kinglas before my erection had finally subsided , and that had been mostly naked fear ; Verity had lost it just for a second , the rear of the car nudging out towards the wrong side of the road as we whanged round the bend .
3 You children were excited on the journey to Gibraltar and kept running from side to side of the boat looking out for the small destroyers that were guarding the convoy .
4 I would be sitting in the car looking out at the fascinating scenery , my mum and my brother would be doing the same , my sister would be looking at a book and my dad would be driving .
5 The scientific observer conceives of himself as a rational mind looking out through a plate-glass window on to an inaccessible " nature " .
6 They stared at the flat blade of rock jutting out of the turf-clad flank of the hill .
7 THIS WEEK 's attempt to divert the flow of lava gushing out of the erupting Mount Etna in Sicily could be an expensive failure — because a British team of vulcanologists taking essential measurements has had to return home after its money ran out .
8 He went off to Barnard Castle up in the North somewhere to practice jumping out of a captive balloon , but he only had one go at
9 By a writ issued on 15 November 1988 and a statement of claim dated 16 February 1990 , the plaintiff , Christopher de Martell , claimed damages from the defendants , the Merton and Sutton Health Authority , for personal injuries and consequential loss arising out of the alleged negligent treatment afforded to him at St. Helier Hospital , Carshalton , on or about 5 February 1967 when his mother , who was pregnant with the plaintiff , underwent an attempted forceps delivery and a caesarean section .
10 Closer than seemed possible , striking against an almost purple sky , we saw Kanchenjunga with a bright plume of snow standing out like a triumphal flag .
11 After the judgment Mr de Gruchy said : ‘ The decision enables the NASUWT to continue its action to protect members against excessive workload arising out of the national curriculum testing and assessment arrangements . ’
12 There are special provisions for actions for personal injuries ( see below ) and automatic directions do not apply to any of the actions listed below : ( 1 ) an action for the administration of the estate of a deceased person ; ( 2 ) an Admiralty action ; ( 3 ) proceedings which are referred for arbitration whether automatically or otherwise under Ord 19 ; ( 4 ) an action arising out of a regulated consumer credit agreement within the meaning of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 ; ( 5 ) an action for the delivery of goods ; ( 6 ) an action for the recovery of income tax ; ( 7 ) interpleader proceedings or an action in which an application is made for relief by way of interpleader ; ( 8 ) an action of a kind mentioned in s 66(3) of the Act ( trial by jury ) ; ( 9 ) an action for the recovery of land ; ( 10 ) a partnership action ; ( 11 ) an action to which Ord 48A applies ( patent actions heard at Edmonton County Court ) ; ( 12 ) a contentious probate action ; ( 13 ) a rent action ; ( 14 ) an action to which Ord 5 , r 5 applies ( representative proceedings ) ; ( 15 ) an action to which Ord 9 , r 3(9) applies ( admission of part of plaintiff 's claim ) ; ( 16 ) an action on a third party notice or similar proceedings under Ord 12 ; ( 17 ) an action to which Ord 47 , r 3 applies ( actions in tort between husband and wife ) ; ( 18 ) " cases " transferred from High Court .
13 The reason for the overall cut-off point of ten years is to prevent the threat of legal action stretching out for an unlimited period .
14 I was n't doing anything to speed up my role as a would-be doctor , so during my last year at Oxford , where I had planned to stay for three years before going to London for the real hard medical training , I arranged ( again through Dr Allott ) to spend my final long vac helping out as a general dogsbody at the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases in Queen Square , central London , where there was a special unit investigating Heine-Medin 's disease , the original name for polio , and — especially in the 1930s — doing research into the spinal aspects .
15 He looked round at her , standing beside him in the corridor bar looking out at the stupid countryside .
16 It was an open window looking out onto the wind-rippled waters of the Tigris and across to the Al Jumhuriyah and Al Ahrar bridges and over to the tower blocks of the foreign-money hotels .
17 The kitchen was bigger than he had supposed ; it had a stone floor with a large square of matting , an open grate and a tiny window looking out on the rising ground of the headland .
18 Or again late at night as I stood shivering at my bedroom window looking out on the frosted garden , unable to sleep and unable to understand why .
19 He joined the slow column heading out of the double doors of the Kitchen .
20 They conclude that the available evidence points to employment in the long run shifting out of the primary sector into both the manufacturing and the service sectors .
21 I stood by the window staring out into the foggy darkness , taking deep breaths to try and stifle some hollow feeling of new disease .
22 It was like the sun coming out after a long time of darkness .
23 It was unlit , but she could see the Czech girl leaning out of the open window , gazing over the lawn .
24 And though Flaubert aggressively excised from ‘ La Paysanne ’ Mme Colet 's line about the running smoke on the horizon , this does n't debar from his own countryside ( Part Three , chapter four ) ‘ the smoke of a railway engine stretching out in a horizontal line , like a gigantic ostrich feather whose tip kept blowing away . ’
25 Gunn creates the image of the part finished statue growing out of the unhewn marble block .
26 ‘ You will not lose by this , Yin Tsu , ’ he said softly , his heart going out to the old man .
27 A punctured car wheel that someone was repairing lay in the centre of the floor with half its inner tube hanging out like a paunched rabbit .
28 It flipped and spun a number of times , fuel spilling out of the damaged left wing — the aircraft was doomed .
29 One July morning the sun shone on two figures climbing the hill leading out of the fine city of Wintoncester .
30 The trick is preventing the fire in the midriff breaking out into a public conflagration .
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