Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] [adv prt] from [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We passed like wraiths gripping our anoraks against a colder night wind coming down from the deep indigo silhouetted mountains .
2 I sat at the kitchen table , staring at the blind white blankness in front of me , and slowly , like a clear spring welling up from the common earth , the poem rose and spread and filled me , unstoppable as flood water , technique unknotting even as it ran , like snags rolled away on the flood .
3 From his new station he could see the three lakes — Loweswater , Crummock Water and Buttermere — lined up in the valley like three barges ready to be towed down to the shore ; he could see the bivouac huts of some woodmen and he spotted more than one flock coming down from the high pastures — but Mary chided him .
4 He became a member of the emasculated politburo when the invasion took place taking over from the wretched Mr Dubcek in April 1969 after branding him and his team ‘ extremists and rightwing forces . ’
5 Add to this a language problem , surround the ship with smaller fishing vessels and throw liberal quantities of slimy mackerel underfoot , anchor it in a remote Scottish loch with vicious squalls of wind and rain roaring down from the surrounding hills , try working for days on end with very little sleep in these conditions and you have some idea of our difficulties .
6 He flicked the light on , and the greenish glow reflecting back from the tiled interior showed it to be empty of human occupation .
7 It was like a ‘ ghost ship ’ — he used those words — the three masts standing black against the white of the low , snow-mantled line of the shore opposite and that enormously long bowsprit jutting out from the wooden hull of the ship ‘ like a lance ’ .
8 The danger of cracking heads with Bairstow flying in from the other side is as good a reason as any for its omission .
9 With its splashes of red standing out from the swirling whiteness of the snowstorm , this tableau combines the decorative and the dramatic in a manner reminiscent of the finest Japanese prints .
10 Walter Carew raised his head and stared at the grey tendrils of smoke climbing up from the brown barren waste .
11 The high marble steps curved upwards , paralleling the flight leading up from the front door .
12 Outside stood a young man in oilskins , the hood blowing back from a soaking tangle of brown hair blackened by the rain , and one hand gripping a duffel bag .
13 Another , more startling , departure was the introduction of regular team talks , the idea for which came on a train travelling back from an away match .
14 life spiralling out from the cradled cell
15 With offal mounting up from the four million cattle slaughtered in Britain each year , the developing countries are an obvious target for the rendering companies in desperate need of new markets .
16 He was young and very beautiful ; brown hair springing back from a broad forehead , blue eyes dark as pansies , a smooth , curling , sulky mouth .
17 Michael stared at the tie pin glinting up from the red velvet lining .
18 The co-existence of IP 3 Rs and RYRs may somehow help to integrate information coming in from the outside and to relay it throughout the neuron through the process of CICR already described .
19 Mick Miller , Marketing Director of the Museum , said : ‘ We have been privileged to have provided facilities for this prestigious project following on from the successful completion of our own N7 .
20 So they risked all , and late one night when she heard a low whistle she rose from her straw pallet in the lower scullery and crept out of the house ; and when Tristram had climbed over the wall , she gave herself to him there on the midnight grass with the summer moon blazing down through the trees and the scent of honey wafting up from the silent hives .
21 Down below , lost in the mist , he could just make out the holm-oaks and cypresses surrounding the Miletti property , a lugubrious baroque monstrosity built on a shoulder of land jutting out from the steep hillside .
22 Use a logical progression or a system radiating out from a central base .
23 The basic tree consists of a network branching out from an initial decision of whether or not to undertake the project .
24 The basic tree consists of a network branching out from an initial decision of whether or not to undertake the project .
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