Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] [adv prt] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I was lying in the middle of a green lane clutching a bunch of dandelions , my fingers gummy with the pungent milk oozing out of the squashed stems .
2 Although Wilson 's point is a good one , there is a considerable momentum building up within the digital multimedia industry and even if reluctance to reinvest in new kit slows the pace of change , it is unlikely to deflect the overwhelming trend .
3 Even now , there are those churlish souls who mourn the fact that Lovesexy is not a There 's a Riot Goin' On for the eighties .
4 It had taken until the long , open left-hander that leads down into Glen Kinglas before my erection had finally subsided , and that had been mostly naked fear ; Verity had lost it just for a second , the rear of the car nudging out towards the wrong side of the road as we whanged round the bend .
5 Mrs Hollidaye 's dogs were left inside the car bobbing up at the rear window .
6 She thought of the long , black car gliding up to the great white building where they were going to hold the conference that would put an end to war for ever .
7 You children were excited on the journey to Gibraltar and kept running from side to side of the boat looking out for the small destroyers that were guarding the convoy .
8 I would be sitting in the car looking out at the fascinating scenery , my mum and my brother would be doing the same , my sister would be looking at a book and my dad would be driving .
9 That has opened new wounds in relationships between the two sides , barely on speaking terms after bad blood dating back to the infamous Shakoor Rana-Mike Gatting bust-up .
10 His origins are obscure , but he seems to have been a German from one of the tribes which were allowed to settle within the Empire , and for which privilege they were liable for military service , a practice going back to the late third century .
11 It is in the classic pattern for the fifteenth century hôtel ; built round a courtyard and with an entrance doorway leading up to the Medieval stairway in the centre of the court façade .
12 In the case of the UK 's crossroads , for example , that approach pays scant attention to the break-up of the UK 's position at the centre of the Sterling Area and Commonwealth trade in the 1970s , or to the responsibility of unions , management , the financial system and the state for manufacturing industry 's poor productivity growth and hence declining international competitiveness during the long boom leading up to the structural changes of the 1970s/1980s period .
13 They stared at the flat blade of rock jutting out of the turf-clad flank of the hill .
14 National Assembly elections involve two rounds of voting on consecutive Sundays with the two most successful candidates in the first round and candidates polling over 12.5 per cent of the vote going on to the second round .
15 Any rock lying around on the frozen continent stands a good chance of being a meteorite as — the occasional ice-piercing mountain aside — there is nowhere else to come from but the heavens .
16 THE England ‘ B ’ tour to New Zealand could prove to be a mixed blessing thanks to an insufficiently competitive provincial itinerary leading up to the two ‘ tests ’ against a New Zealand XV at the end of the tour .
17 They looked large against the light pouring down over the flat land .
18 Dorcas sat in his workshop and stared at the snow piling up against the grubby window , giving the shed a dull grey light .
19 They closed on the knife blade , twisted it out of the man 's hand , and then he was using the whole false arm as a metal club slamming down on the upraised arms , jabbing for the face , forcing the man back step by step until the edge of the track was only one more step away .
20 THIS WEEK 's attempt to divert the flow of lava gushing out of the erupting Mount Etna in Sicily could be an expensive failure — because a British team of vulcanologists taking essential measurements has had to return home after its money ran out .
21 But what one chiefly saw was a landscape patterned by the long lines of vine running up to the wooded hilltops , a supremely domesticated landscape .
22 Or was it the east wind blowing in through the open bell tower with renewed force ?
23 The damp wind blowing in at the open door made him shiver and he went to wake the others .
24 We passed like wraiths gripping our anoraks against a colder night wind coming down from the deep indigo silhouetted mountains .
25 Sultan Pakubuono XI of Surakarta comes from a lineage reaching back to the ninth century and , despite Indonesia 's official birth into the modern age with her independence in 1949 , the Sultan , like his ancestors before him , remains the uncrowned " Pope " of pre-Islamic Javanese mysticism .
26 Just the club cashing in with the sad sheep crawling out of the woodwork everywhere .
27 It was now generally agreed ( despite claims to the same effect reaching back to the 1930s and beyond ) that the map of literary history was as complete as it was ever likely to become . "
28 By a writ issued on 15 November 1988 and a statement of claim dated 16 February 1990 , the plaintiff , Christopher de Martell , claimed damages from the defendants , the Merton and Sutton Health Authority , for personal injuries and consequential loss arising out of the alleged negligent treatment afforded to him at St. Helier Hospital , Carshalton , on or about 5 February 1967 when his mother , who was pregnant with the plaintiff , underwent an attempted forceps delivery and a caesarean section .
29 After the judgment Mr de Gruchy said : ‘ The decision enables the NASUWT to continue its action to protect members against excessive workload arising out of the national curriculum testing and assessment arrangements . ’
30 These show dotted outlines below the major structures at the top of the incline extending down to the original ground .
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