Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] [conj] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Women have difficulty organizing because of the isolation they experience in the home , combined with their socialization into passivity .
2 At the garage there is MICRO CHIP WHEEL BALANCING and at the bookshop MICRO FICHE book information .
3 Kelly is perfectly good at right back , and with him , newsome and Speed playing or on the bench , we have a team for all eventualities .
4 A local council spokesman said the council had declared war on large-scale home catering because of the outbreak .
5 At the close of hostilities that evening A.H.Q. Malta issued a communique stating that since the beginning of the fighting over the island , Malta 's defences had been credited with 132 destroyed , 44 probably destroyed and 58 damaged for the loss of 29 fighters , ten of the pilots having been saved .
6 I hope that I have redressed the balance regarding the usual effect of freeze branding and by the way I do n't have a financial interest in either system so my view is unbiased .
7 Er but in our London office , apparently they do a lot of inheritance tax planning because of the size of estates , and they actually invite the children in , and say to the children look , you know , if erm you die , the estate will be devalued by forty thousand because of tax , er if you want to make provision the , the er the contract is still written on the erm , the erm individuals ' lives , but it can then be erm paid by the children , so your children can then pay the premiums .
8 He 's badly bruised and has difficulty moving because of the stab wound to his back .
9 William Ellis , a former agent of the Free Labour Association , contested the truth of statements made by William Collison , " The Apostle of Free Labour " , both on the number of workmen available for strike breaking and on the number of " pitched battles with aggressive trade unions " which the Association had fought .
10 Sunday Telegraph investigations uncovered a series of pertinent facts relating to the Asvat killing and to the crisis in the ANC , whose leaders have ordered officials to retreat behind a laager of silence and denials .
11 ‘ You might have trouble explaining that at the inquest , my lad . ’
12 A source close to Mr Vance and Lord Owen said Mr Izetbegovic declined to discuss any substance during the morning meeting because of the fighting .
13 The scenes-of-crime van was parked as near the site as it could get , planks had been laid on the ground approaching and under the scaffolding to preserve whatever evidence there might be , and the area where the body was had been screened off .
14 ‘ At the moment it 's very dangerous , you ca n't see traffic approaching because of the bend .
15 Today almost every country with a developed securities market has some form of controls outlawing insider dealing and with the introduction of the EC Directive on Insider Dealing every country in the EEC will be required to adopt minimum legislative prohibitions .
16 And the big thing that happens is you you suddenly in the middle of differentiating start integrating or in the middle of an integrating start differentiating or you start doing taking you 've had enough of this so you start doing little short cuts like erm differentiating sine three X just as if it was sine X
17 The joker , however , gives the present knowing that in the confusion as it goes off , it may be thrown the wrong way — into the face of the recipient 's partner .
18 Such is the tensile strength of individual laminations that some are seen to have been partially pulled out of the core during piston coring or by the wire during core splitting .
19 However , with the best track record in swathe surveying and as the world leader in swathe data processing facilities and capabilities , WOS is well placed to capitalise profitably on the significant opportunities that are available in 1993 .
20 Of its 450 members , 162 last month signed a letter arguing that for the time being Ukraine should hold on to its nuclear weapons .
21 In 1989 the Royal and Ancient Golf Club , the sport 's governing body , issued a report concluding that by the year 2000 an extra 700 courses would be needed in England , Wales and Northern Ireland to meet demand .
22 ( 1 ) A registered club may apply to the sheriff for any one of the following orders : ( a ) an order providing that during the winter period the permitted hours in the club on weekdays shall not be those set out in section 53(3) of this Act , but shall instead be the period between eleven in the morning and two in the afternoon and the period between four and half-past ten in the evening or alternatively be the said periods on weekdays other than Saturday , and on Saturday be the period between one in the afternoon and half-past ten in the evening ; or ( b ) an order providing that during the winter period the permitted hours in the club on Sundays shall not be those set out in the said section 53(3) , but shall instead be the period between half-past twelve and two in the afternoon and the period between four and nine in the evening ; or ( c ) an order which contains both the aforesaid provisions ; and the sheriff shall , if in his opinion the conditions set out in subsection ( 2 ) below are satisfied , make the order applied for .
23 ( 1 ) A registered club may apply to the sheriff for any one of the following orders : ( a ) an order providing that during the winter period the permitted hours in the club on weekdays shall not be those set out in section 53(3) of this Act , but shall instead be the period between eleven in the morning and two in the afternoon and the period between four and half-past ten in the evening or alternatively be the said periods on weekdays other than Saturday , and on Saturday be the period between one in the afternoon and half-past ten in the evening ; or ( b ) an order providing that during the winter period the permitted hours in the club on Sundays shall not be those set out in the said section 53(3) , but shall instead be the period between half-past twelve and two in the afternoon and the period between four and nine in the evening ; or ( c ) an order which contains both the aforesaid provisions ; and the sheriff shall , if in his opinion the conditions set out in subsection ( 2 ) below are satisfied , make the order applied for .
24 I was conscious of rich chaos , the sort of jumble that lures one into a junk-shop knowing that under the piles of objects and above one 's head there are riches to be mined .
25 Following Bon Jovi 's two year hiatus , in which rumours of splits and individual projects kept the public guessing as to the future of the band , the release of a new album ‘ Keep The Faith ’ sees the circus back in business .
26 The struggle of Melanie Griffith as Tess McGill — from sec to exec — provides the perfect scenario not only for power dressing but for the enactment of many dominant-5 mythologies about women , work and social class .
27 MAS would also review SPG 's progress to ensure that , prior to partner profiling and on the basis of publicly available information , there are no fundamental reasons why it should not be possible to conclude a deal with each of the partners identified through the above process .
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