Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This woman I 'd never seen , darker than me , darker than mum , my height but four times as big every other way , her hair hanging down in a big shaggy mane that looked as if she cut it herself once a year , big wooden earrings in her ears and a dress down to the floor with embroidery all over it and her feet stuffed into ugly shoes that were made of leather She told us that She wanted us to admire them , because this was a big day for her , Auntie Muriel had got dressed up to come to the city and see her sister and her sister 's child .
2 Tsu Ma went across and stood there , one foot resting lightly on the tiled lip of the well as he looked back across the valley towards the south .
3 his great jaw hanging down like an open hatch .
4 However , single-person households with , for example , an income consisting only of a single person 's state pension are much more likely to be found in the older age groups than in the younger ones .
5 I was lying in the middle of a green lane clutching a bunch of dandelions , my fingers gummy with the pungent milk oozing out of the squashed stems .
6 Beggars , when you give them money , bless you and wish you good luck , a gold tooth flashing surprisingly in a dusky smile suddenly lighting a dirty face .
7 Although Wilson 's point is a good one , there is a considerable momentum building up within the digital multimedia industry and even if reluctance to reinvest in new kit slows the pace of change , it is unlikely to deflect the overwhelming trend .
8 There is no buccal capsule , the mouth consisting simply of a small opening surrounded by three lips .
9 Even now , there are those churlish souls who mourn the fact that Lovesexy is not a There 's a Riot Goin' On for the eighties .
10 The force of this moral authority becomes clearer when discussions within the Association touching specifically upon the pedagogic uses of literature and indeed language are considered .
11 It had taken until the long , open left-hander that leads down into Glen Kinglas before my erection had finally subsided , and that had been mostly naked fear ; Verity had lost it just for a second , the rear of the car nudging out towards the wrong side of the road as we whanged round the bend .
12 Mrs Hollidaye 's dogs were left inside the car bobbing up at the rear window .
13 Kosi left her plastic beaker of tea steaming gently on the nearest flat surface while she and Lars headed for the centre of the room .
14 And by William Lovett , remember : one of that articulate elite which attended the debates at the Rotunda ; one who , knowing full well how partial , minimal and divisive the Whigs ' proposals were , was compelled by the polarisation of opinion they induced to a course of action contributing much to the great flood of support for them ; one who was a founder of the Chartist Movement formed in the wake of the Reform Act .
15 There was , as far as he could see , nothing that need be identified or admired or paused over : just bare grey rock sheering down to a narrow track which was used for the most part by packhorses and even then not often .
16 Verb-phrase anaphora occurs when a verb-phrase depends for its interpretation on another verb-phrase occurring earlier in the spoken or written discourse .
17 She thought of the long , black car gliding up to the great white building where they were going to hold the conference that would put an end to war for ever .
18 You children were excited on the journey to Gibraltar and kept running from side to side of the boat looking out for the small destroyers that were guarding the convoy .
19 Comparing the ‘ Charlie Parker Story ’ directly with Vogue 's 14-track ‘ Original Bird ’ release ( and in effect listening critically for the first time ) , I found the Denon ‘ sound recovery ’ system somewhat inconsistent in places .
20 I would be sitting in the car looking out at the fascinating scenery , my mum and my brother would be doing the same , my sister would be looking at a book and my dad would be driving .
21 The scientific observer conceives of himself as a rational mind looking out through a plate-glass window on to an inaccessible " nature " .
22 There 's a club meeting here for a social weekend — I think they like to keep their places warm here for when coarse fishing starts again .
23 But referee Ed Morrison 's leniency led to bad blood spilling over in a six-man brawl as Richards looked for revenge .
24 That has opened new wounds in relationships between the two sides , barely on speaking terms after bad blood dating back to the infamous Shakoor Rana-Mike Gatting bust-up .
25 His origins are obscure , but he seems to have been a German from one of the tribes which were allowed to settle within the Empire , and for which privilege they were liable for military service , a practice going back to the late third century .
26 It is in the classic pattern for the fifteenth century hôtel ; built round a courtyard and with an entrance doorway leading up to the Medieval stairway in the centre of the court façade .
27 In the case of the UK 's crossroads , for example , that approach pays scant attention to the break-up of the UK 's position at the centre of the Sterling Area and Commonwealth trade in the 1970s , or to the responsibility of unions , management , the financial system and the state for manufacturing industry 's poor productivity growth and hence declining international competitiveness during the long boom leading up to the structural changes of the 1970s/1980s period .
28 Suddenly from below came the unmistakable sound of gunfire , the roar of a shotgun sounding along with a short sharp burst of a machine gun .
29 They stared at the flat blade of rock jutting out of the turf-clad flank of the hill .
30 New Scientist published an article with the transfixing title of ‘ The search for scale invariant cosmology ’ , showing that there was a search going on for a deeper understanding of the Universe .
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