Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The drunken porter allowing them entrance after the usual altercation .
2 A pensioner walking his dog on the other side of the street quickened his pace , obviously not wanting to be there when the men in white coats came for me .
3 There were workmen on the scaffolding and , down at the bottom , a small boat nudging its way along the length of the works .
4 Fran forced herself to sound cool and friendly , to betray no hint of the fear twisting her heart at the thought of what she might discover .
5 Suddenly , I see a boat weaving its way between the improbable pink granite rocks and I experience both relief and excitement .
6 The Sergeant and Corporal leading our bit of the search party were out of earshot .
7 Being Saturday , there were a number of burly walkers picking their way over the granite from both directions which , unlike the presence of the bermuda-shorted brigade puffing their way up the other side of Ben Nevis , was curiously comforting .
8 His mother sat beside him in the dock holding his hand throughout the short hearing .
9 It was also decided that the Master , Wardens and Assistants should pay for a key giving them access to the Garden .
10 ‘ It 's a way of future proofing our investment in the existing technology . ’
11 Aunt Tossie pushed her chair away from the tea table and reached for her latest square of needlework — a parrot clutching its way up the husky stem of a palm tree .
12 SOHO will have their ‘ Hippy Chick ’ single re-released in the near future following their success in the US .
13 SOHO will have their ‘ Hippy Chick ’ single re-released in the near future following their success in the US .
14 Parliamentary opposition groups were also active in the anti-government protests , but their focus was on political regrouping following their defeat in the May 1990 elections , parliamentary opposition to government policies and political manoeuvring in response to NSF proposals to involve them in a government coalition .
15 Her long flaxen hair gave her an almost nordic appearance , her clear unspoilt complexion reflecting her life in the clean country air .
16 The local stone here is gritstone , much of it brought down I suspect from the quarries on the flanks of Penhill , and on a summer 's evening , when the children are playing on the swings and people are sat talking quietly in the dying sunlight outside the pub while an old dog wanders across the green sniffing his way towards the children , then , when every building is tinted with amber and the gardens are heavy with blooms , it could well be said to be " t'prattiest lal spot i't'Dales " .
17 The following day , the Committee issued a manifesto expounding its justification for the rising , and appointed General Franco — who , it will be remembered , had been dismissed by the legitimate government of the nation — as chief of the Armies of Morocco and southern Spain .
18 She found herself listening for breathing and when there was a shout from below her heart pounded , foolishly , because it was only the whoop of a homecoming child racing his brother into the building .
19 Parents at Heiton may have a case for taking out an interim interdict to stop the council closing their school at the end of the term . ’
20 You come home to find your Snakehead chasing your wife around the lounge .
21 On Jan. 10 Lewandowski told a Sejm committee assessing his candidacy for the post of Minister of Ownership Transformations that the performance of the share offer indicated that a different approach to privatization was needed , and he said that he favoured distributing to all Polish citizens free vouchers to be exchanged for shares .
22 A mistake has to be fundamental to constitute a sufficiently serious breach of contract , such as the expert making his decision about the wrong subject-matter .
23 Nuclear energy will be the main growth area in the energy sector increasing its percentage of the market from 6% in 1983 to 16% by the year 2000 .
24 The game had stood at thirty-love when he tossed the ball up to serve and the man at the back of the opposite court had watched him hop and stumble , then fall , the racquet leaving his hand on the upswing and curving away .
25 This was just as well , for I saw only just in time a hen crossing my path in the most leisurely manner .
26 A can of Tetleys Bitter never tasted better as Jim and I soaked up the sun burning its way through the Californian coastal mist .
27 But shortly after the accident he began to have difficulty turning his neck to the left .
28 Otherwise it was largely a stunt — the saxophonist acting like a contortionist while continuing to play , the bass-player straddling his instrument on the floor , as if he were raping it ; and it was de rigueur for the pianist to stand at his instrument , and play with one hand , thus giving himself freedom for muscular improvisation .
29 It was Hudd , five seasons ago , who waved his flag furiously at referee Hobbs when , unsighted , he failed to spot Proby forcing his shinpad down the throat of Mossborough Sandinista 's Keith Driscoll until alerted by the enthusiastic linesman .
30 He then shuffled around the room cupping his hand around the chimneys and blowing out one lamp after another .
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