Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb pp] for [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Queen 's speech at the opening of parliament is of course written for her by the government of the day .
2 ‘ What saddened me about the reviews , ’ said Crawford , ‘ was n't so much that they had a go at the play , but they did n't recognise all the work done for me by the rest of the team .
3 But Sally was so good , Luckily I 'd remembered to pack the Farley 's Rusks and she had those mixed up with boiled water the guard got for me from the restaurant car . ’
4 Posing as a Lebanese cocaine buyer , he had flown to Los Angeles with a suitcase full of counterfeit US currency provided by DEA Nicosia and checked into a room booked for him by the DEA at the Sheraton Universal hotel .
5 Yes , Mrs Jones , we have a room booked for you on the thirtieth of July — can I be of any assistance to you ?
6 The divine drama illuminated for us by the Holy Spirit disintegrates into puzzles , conundrums and endless interpretations .
7 They remain on display today in the Crown Room of the Castle , the very room built for them in the reign of James VI .
8 The Labour Party , thus , had given notice that it would not be prepared to accept a Leader chosen for it by the Monarch .
9 In short , Labour and the Liberal Democrats will have the argument won for them on the ground — and as long as they locate their policies in terms of wealth creation , rather than punitive redistribution , the current election election result has given them a platform from which effectively to challenge for power next time round .
10 To symbolise her new life , her new role defined for her by the male rule-makers of society , a girl may even be given a new name on marriage .
11 The contrast between British Socialism , as then exemplified by trade unionism , and LEGA , could hardly be sharper ; the first , insistent on its traditional and conservative role , the role dispensed for it in the Victorian era by evolving Capitalism — to purvey labour to employing capital ; the second , looking towards a synthesis to accommodate and resolve the opposed interests contained in that dispensation , looking towards ‘ the third way ’ .
12 If those who work in the media wish to enjoy the freedom desired for them by the Royal Commission — the freedom to publish facts and opinions which are in the public interest — they may have to forgo some of the comparative freedom they enjoy to publish facts and opinions which are not .
13 Make a table , ranking the prey species ( a ) in their order of abundance and ( b ) in order of the preference shown for them by the dog-whelks .
14 Why not rescue them from the hell hole created for them by the Government ?
15 He was compensated with a pension secured for him by the new lord treasurer , Sir Thomas Osborne ( later Earl of Danby , q.v . ) .
16 For that reason , he has omitted his more fragile or delicate works in favour of robustness , playing with various permutations in a 1:20 model built for him by the Richard Rogers Partnership .
17 A teacher has only to say : " Now which of you girls did — " and my spots merge for a time into the scarlet background provided for them by the rest of my face .
18 Inevitably the analysis is relatively crude since it is difficult to gather data about the financial circumstances of dementia sufferers or about the total amount of care provided for them in the community .
19 An old lady descends from the black branches of the fire escape every morning and wearily gathers it all up and clambers home with it in paper bags : the food left for her by the birds .
20 Russian into business.Market stalls might not hold that much interest for the average Briton , but for Ekaterina Likhoda from Nizhni Tagil in the Russian Urals , ( see below , far right with South Wales Society president Paul Marshall — also pictured on the far left are Ekaterina 's interpreter , Olga Lewis , and Michelle Thomson , owner of the fruit stall ) it was all part of an unusual business-study trip arranged for her by the Institute 's General Practitioner Board .
21 Another is a concerto written for her by the British composer Derek Bourgeois .
22 He 'd had a new set made for him by the professional but somehow could not get used to them .
23 Here the unidentified sex attacker has moved into a new phase , with an identity created for him by the media , often assisted by the police .
24 This fact is a trifle obscured for us by the modern doctrine of the holiday .
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