Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb pp] [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This is the outer layer of the tent designed to protect you from the elements , usually wind and rain , but it could also be from heat .
2 Madonna has often talked of her Ten Year Plan , a route to megastardom designed to keep her in the manner to which she has quickly become accustomed for years to come too .
3 One source said : ‘ When Rose arrived in Perth , the old money prepared to accept her around the scene .
4 Rochlin ‘ feminizes ’ masculinity to just the degree required to rehabilitate it as the dominant term in the masculine/feminine binary , and he does this through the by now familiar move of positing homosexuality as the inadequate yet threatening third term .
5 This County Council failed to do it from the time , time it was formed until eighty-five ; it failed even to address the problem , never mind do it , and we 've been trying to , to sort of do some catching up .
6 On this great day , when he cut the ribbon on a shop built to remind him of the Italian department stores of his childhood — ‘ they always had a restaurant , because part of the treat of shopping was lunching out ’ — he was so happy and relaxed that it was easy to swallow inhibitions and ask him whether he was n't bothered about being known , through the films he has chosen to dress , as the creator of designer violence .
7 I could make it a fairy-tale instead , if I wanted to , Anyway , It 's the capital of the empire ; a courtier starts a liaison with one of the princesses ; the demands she and the impersonate on his time get to be too much , so he secretly has an android made to impersonate him at the endless court rituals and boring receptions ; nobody notices .
8 Officials usually knew who they were , though they could not obtain the evidence needed to convict them in the courts .
9 The proper case is one where the administrator reasonably requires to see the documents to carry out his functions and the production does not impose an unnecessary and unreasonable burden on the person required to produce them in the light of the administrator 's requirements .
10 If the Revenue accept that the court order or agreement between the parties created a settlement on the ground that the interests of the beneficiaries are not of the same quality as the wife has a right of occupation ( see Booth v Ellard [ 1980 ] 1 WLR 1443 ) Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act , 1992 , s225 provides that the gain accruing to a trustee on the disposal of settled property shall in effect be free from capital gains tax where during the period of ownership the house has been the only or main residence of the person entitled to occupy it under the terms of the settlement .
11 Alfred McTear , 48 , has contracted pneumonia and was unable to start giving evidence yesterday to the commission appointed to hear him before the full legal hearing , which may be two years away .
12 For reasons linked to the physical strength needed to operate them at the beginning , spinning mules were operated by men .
13 In order to excavate the site itself , a new road had been built and a viaduct constructed to carry it across the valley before it climbed through the wooded hillside to the rocky crag chosen for the location of the church which formed the heart of the project .
14 Marco has been brought up by his rather in a way designed to fit him for the future .
15 The officer delegated to collect her from the station seems to have been more disconcerted than she was .
16 A man would go faster than an arabeah , certainly if you took into account the time needed to explain it to the arabeah driver .
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