Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] out [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The words which I have read are plain : it was Mr. Vanbergen who said he was going down to Eastbourne , that he was going down as part of his business , and that he did not think he would be getting back after his business on Thursday in time to pay it on Thursday , and the concession arose out of the question whether or not the debtor could be back in town in time to bring it himself , because he frankly said he was trying to get a little more time .
2 The case arose out of the Executive Agreement concluded between the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran which led to the eventual release of the hostages detained in Tehran from November 1979 to January 1981 .
3 ‘ When the woman driver got out of the car she went to intervene between the two men .
4 The driver got out of the car .
5 I wonder how Manzoni must have felt as he gazed out of his window at the Palazzo Belgioioso and the comings and goings of Prince Albercio ; the Prince rode out of the square each day on a horse , dressed in a bright general 's uniform , in order to review the private bodyguard he equipped and maintained .
6 The administrator kept careful account of money laid out from the estate .
7 In the store room next to the kitchen were a long table and shelves always covered with all sorts of provisions ; large earthenware jars full of confits of pork and goose , a small barrel where vinegar slowly matured , a bowl where honey oozed out of the comb , jams , preserves of sorrel and of tomatoes , and odd bottles with grapes and cherries marinating in brandy ; next to the table a weighing machine on which I used to stand at regular intervals ; sacks of haricot beans , of potatoes ; eggs , each one carefully dated in pencil .
8 The lords in parliament , and in the courthouse and the castle , they do not know how we live — they know nothing about us , except that we will die for them , to protect their forts in India and in Scotland ’ — his voice sharpened suddenly , his arm swung round and pointed north and a gust of response rose out of the crowd — ‘ we have always been good at that , their demands can never be satisfied , regiments for the colonies , indentured servants and labourers for the plantations , they have scoured Scotland like a killing wind and the men have been whirled away in the blast of it .
9 Her older brother and sister found out about the situation and teased her unmercifully .
10 One participant has to describe a route traced out on the map so that both speaker and listener follow the identical route .
11 As we heard a description of a day in the life of the mayor , a Sikh in a green turban wandered out into the garden , brushing his teeth .
12 There was a soft ‘ plop ’ and the blue light welled out of the mantle as he closed the door , deftly trapping the light inside .
13 A familiar figure got out of the bus and walked straight to the cab rank .
14 Chant got out of the car and opened Estabrook 's door .
15 Chant peered out of the window .
16 Our car conked out on the way to school .
17 Amenities include a sun terrace built out above the lake , garden , lounge , bar and table tennis .
18 Blood oozed out of the meat and stained the carbon steel of the knife blade .
19 He was rearranging his hair in the rear-view mirror as the monster moved out into the traffic , scattering small boys who 'd gathered at the front of the car to try and open the bonnet , for God 's sake , and examine the engine .
20 It was n't until The Byrds ’ ‘ Untitled ’ double album came out with the liner notes explaining all about the string-bender that I found out what a fool I 'd been …
21 The noise brought Jacqui to the door and light spilled out over the scene .
22 He glanced back up at the house , where warm orange light spilled out from the dining room into the grey afternoon .
23 The barest instant after he was free , a tongue of flame blasted out of the cave at his heels , and pieces of the higher slopes disappeared inwards as flames and gouts of smoke exploded out of the weaker points of the mountain .
24 The dachshund slunk out of the room .
25 The man is believed to have been waiting there as his ex girlfriend came out of the shop with her daughter and two young grandchildren .
26 The eruption lasted between June and November of that year , and in those six months about eleven cubic kilometres of lava flowed out from the fissure , covering an area of nearly 600 square kilometres .
27 The blood poured out from the gash while he groaned and begged for water .
28 The overhead door swung up easily to his touch and the light splayed out over the gravel of the drive and the unkempt verges of silvered grass .
29 And as Polgar left town he rang the dinner bell and the sold pig climbed out of the farmer 's pen and returned to him .
30 The figure stepped out from the porch and the light from the street lamp spilled on to its face .
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