Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] for the first time " in BNC.

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1 The statutory recognition of auditors ' resignation occurred for the first time in the Companies Act 1976 , prior to which resignation would have constituted a de facto breach of contract .
2 British sport began for the first time to embrace commercialism , although the process was cautious and gradual .
3 A separation appeared for the first time between design and production .
4 Our local PFA Inspector Pat Barker kept a keen eye on our progress , monitoring our workmanship at all the recognised stages throughout the build , and on 8 March this year , Midge 's propeller turned for the first time under her own engine power , being a Monday , I naturally had the day as holiday !
5 ‘ By the beginning of 1960 ’ , he wrote , ‘ it could no longer be denied that certain parts of London at night were dominated by a new spirit of insecurity ’ : ‘ juvenile delinquency had for the first time in Britain become elevated to the status of a national problem ’ .
6 The general election was held on 18 June , and election and examination fever coincided for the first time since 1945 .
7 DEFIANT Dave Beasant last night spoke for the first time since his week-end goalkeeping torment and insisted : ‘ I still want to play for Chelsea . ’
8 But also by 1967 , expenditure on education had for the first time in history equalled that on defence .
9 And there the momentum of his pursuit faltered for the first time .
10 Although the accommodation remained spartan with bunk beds arranged in segregated dormitories , nevertheless , at a cost fixed at 1/ per night plus a shilling for breakfast , extended holidays in the countryside became for the first time a practical possibility for thousands previously denied them .
11 The man in the chair spoke for the first time .
12 The other Senate seat up for election went for the first time to the PAN , which won 17.7 per cent of the vote and secured 92 seats in the Chamber of Deputies .
13 His voice trembled for the first time .
14 If only — the thought came for the first time — if only she had stayed with Papa !
15 On Aug. 16 , as a shipment of UN relief arrived for the first time in the southern port of Kismayo , a local militia which had been hired to protect it stole 600 tonnes of food and fuel .
16 The old man spoke for the first time .
17 MIA Farrow 's adopted daughter spoke for the first time yesterday of her ‘ wonderful ’ affair with Woody Allen .
18 The Russian spoke for the first time .
19 America 's four-jet airliner flew for the first time on July 15 , 1954 and immediately revolutionised the world of mass air travel .
20 Of these only the last item appeared for the first time in this volume .
21 It is suggestive that during his reign military uniform became for the first time permissible dress at the Habsburg court .
22 Even the Ottoman empire began for the first time in its history to acquire some more or less clearly defined boundaries when , after the treaty of Carlowitz of 1699 , joint commissions were set up to demarcate its frontiers with Habsburg territory .
23 Last night , members of Pringle 's family spoke for the first time about police handling of the siege .
24 It introduced greater facilities for synthesis , and the Areas Table appeared for the first time .
25 From 1865 , however , the foreign office had for the first time a department concerned entirely with commercial affairs .
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