Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] for [art] first [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The statutory recognition of auditors ' resignation occurred for the first time in the Companies Act 1976 , prior to which resignation would have constituted a de facto breach of contract .
2 ‘ Nine players in that side appeared for the first team later .
3 British sport began for the first time to embrace commercialism , although the process was cautious and gradual .
4 A separation appeared for the first time between design and production .
5 Our local PFA Inspector Pat Barker kept a keen eye on our progress , monitoring our workmanship at all the recognised stages throughout the build , and on 8 March this year , Midge 's propeller turned for the first time under her own engine power , being a Monday , I naturally had the day as holiday !
6 ‘ By the beginning of 1960 ’ , he wrote , ‘ it could no longer be denied that certain parts of London at night were dominated by a new spirit of insecurity ’ : ‘ juvenile delinquency had for the first time in Britain become elevated to the status of a national problem ’ .
7 The general election was held on 18 June , and election and examination fever coincided for the first time since 1945 .
8 DEFIANT Dave Beasant last night spoke for the first time since his week-end goalkeeping torment and insisted : ‘ I still want to play for Chelsea . ’
9 But also by 1967 , expenditure on education had for the first time in history equalled that on defence .
10 And there the momentum of his pursuit faltered for the first time .
11 Although the accommodation remained spartan with bunk beds arranged in segregated dormitories , nevertheless , at a cost fixed at 1/ per night plus a shilling for breakfast , extended holidays in the countryside became for the first time a practical possibility for thousands previously denied them .
12 Well , we really got on well together , and when the bell rang for the first round we went on to the first tee and an official is there to check out which clubs and what type of ball Butch is using .
13 The man in the chair spoke for the first time .
14 The other Senate seat up for election went for the first time to the PAN , which won 17.7 per cent of the vote and secured 92 seats in the Chamber of Deputies .
15 His voice trembled for the first time .
16 If only — the thought came for the first time — if only she had stayed with Papa !
17 On Aug. 16 , as a shipment of UN relief arrived for the first time in the southern port of Kismayo , a local militia which had been hired to protect it stole 600 tonnes of food and fuel .
18 The old man spoke for the first time .
19 MIA Farrow 's adopted daughter spoke for the first time yesterday of her ‘ wonderful ’ affair with Woody Allen .
20 The Russian spoke for the first time .
21 America 's four-jet airliner flew for the first time on July 15 , 1954 and immediately revolutionised the world of mass air travel .
22 Of these only the last item appeared for the first time in this volume .
23 I remember well , during the air-raids of the forties when I was in London and we waited as darkness came for the first sirens and the deep breath to get one 's courage up , that we felt we were part of the will of the capital of England .
24 It is suggestive that during his reign military uniform became for the first time permissible dress at the Habsburg court .
25 Despite publicity about their strict code of conduct , it was obvious that the rules had been broken because when the time came for the first troupe to go home , John was astounded to learn that eight out of the sixteen had married during the run and intended to remain behind and every one of the other eight was engaged .
26 Even the Ottoman empire began for the first time in its history to acquire some more or less clearly defined boundaries when , after the treaty of Carlowitz of 1699 , joint commissions were set up to demarcate its frontiers with Habsburg territory .
27 Last night , members of Pringle 's family spoke for the first time about police handling of the siege .
28 It introduced greater facilities for synthesis , and the Areas Table appeared for the first time .
29 From 1865 , however , the foreign office had for the first time a department concerned entirely with commercial affairs .
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