Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] [to-vb] with [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Frankie Dettori , Forest Tiger 's rider , told the stewards that the colt failed to quicken with the field at the three-furlong marker and then ‘ died on him . ’
2 The music industry tried to interfere with the sale of twin cassette music centres in CBS Songs Ltd. v Amstrad Consumer Electronics plc [ 1988 ] , on the basis that , by the sale and advertising of these machines , Amstrad were inciting the public to infringe copyright .
3 only problem was that these lapses in concentration seemed to conicide with the ball heading towards him , hence the comment ‘ and Sprake has let in a sitter ’ .
4 The hairs on the back of his neck began to rise with the blast of primitive hatred which had rushed through the air .
5 So I nodded and smiled and agreed , while part of my mind began to toy with the question of whether Balbazian steel was as impregnable as its well-advertised reputation insisted .
6 The gel covered his body , and Spike 's mind struggled to cope with the signals from every neuron in his artificial frame .
7 Each episode had to end with a cliff-hanger and repeat this at the start of the next episode .
8 Thirdly , the defendant complains , the judge failed to deal with the problem which the jury indicated they had on returning to court after an hour 's deliberation .
9 ‘ But what 's all this humping and dipping got to do with the colour of the light ? ’
10 One upper-class motherless boy moved to live with a great-uncle who ‘ treated me with the same affection which he would have given to a son .
11 However , when the trial judge came to deal with the case against the second appellant , the trial judge directed the jury that it would be open to them to interpret alleged statements by the second appellant as a confession by him that he was one of a group who assaulted the deceased , and that accordingly he would be responsible for everything done by every other member of the group that he knew was being done or was likely to be done .
12 The trailer carries all the equipment needed to deal with an emergency , including pumps , compressors , welding and fire fighting gear , additional hoses , sand , shovels and spill kits .
13 In foreign policy , despite his respect for the consistency of the new US President , Ronald Reagan , the Chancellor continued to argue with the Americans .
14 The High Priest and his council had to reckon with the Tobiads .
15 Its polyphony had to reckon with an element to which Humanism attached enormous importance : the words .
16 The county council committee refused to comply with the request to remove Outram , pronouncing themselves well-pleased with their head-teacher .
17 ( RTC ) , the body empowered to deal with the country 's stricken Savings and Loans industry .
18 When Coca Cola tried to tinker with the taste of Coke an outraged public forced them to return to the original .
19 A waiter came to deal with the mess , and while he was kneeling there Sheridan said loudly that the waiter was sneering at him and he would get him fired . ’
20 His whole body seemed to simmer with the power of his protest .
21 In waves , in subtle gusts , the room began to fill with the warmth and spoor of another being .
22 Some of the high-octane tension in the room began to dissipate with the interruption .
23 In a ballot , the Club membership decided to stay with the trails and Brower 's suspension by the Board for ‘ dictatorial methods , disobedience and fiscal irresponsibility ’ was upheld .
24 But she continued , her laughter growing until her body started to shake with the force of it .
25 Tom Cumming , on account of his religious denomination , said he would not fight in the 1745 Rebellion , but would drive an ammunition cart : Johnson 's point had to do with the difference between religious texts meant to be taken literally , and those intended for general guidance . )
26 He was contacted , and one week after the Dutch surrender agreed to cooperate with the Japanese .
27 It will issue CDs with a maturity expected to coincide with a liquidity surplus and hold CDs expected to mature at a time of shortage .
28 The craving for meat seemed to grow with the cold ; chickens were sometimes killed and eaten but never gratuitously , only in sacrifice at the gods ' demand , and the sheep and goats were away in the south .
29 Britain and the United States became full-scale allies , and if the relationship seemed to falter with the defeat of the common enemies in 1945 , the Cold War soon revived it .
30 Fussell records that German manufacturing output seemed to increase with every bomb dropped ; he might have added Albert Speer 's witty — and possibly accurate — comment that Allied bombing had actually improved productivity by destroying the bureaucracy 's files .
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