Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] [to-vb] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It all began in the early hours when it 's alleged the car failed to stop at a police check and sped off through the city centre and out along the Botley Road .
2 Its legs — if it had legs — were covered in what looked like a large brown sheet , and the light seemed to come from a kind of lamp attached to the back of what could , or could not , be its head .
3 Obviously one does n't believe everything one sees in the media , but this programme seemed to capture in a nutshell what is wrong with our economy .
4 Another was the ā gri , sitting beside a petal-shaped oil lamp which he replenished as soon as the flame began to dwindle from a bowl on the hearth .
5 Nebbins was Mr Cooper 's only horse who worked very hard , pulled the plough and the hay cart , and his , all the other jobs that a horse had to do on a farm .
6 Each episode had to end with a cliff-hanger and repeat this at the start of the next episode .
7 There was a time when a priest had to sneak like a thief through the back streets and alleyways of this city in order to say Mass in some garret or other .
8 Whether or not the subject of a mosaic was chosen by the client , the mosaicist had to rely on a number of aids and methodical practices when organising his work .
9 An ECOWAS mediation committee meeting in Banjul ( Gambia ) on Oct. 22-24 ended in failure when , of the three factions represented , only the NPFL delegation refused to agree to a ceasefire proposal .
10 Edouard came into her body with a feeling of shuddering release and the afternoon seemed to pass in a dream he had had , or she had had long before .
11 She is the sort of girl made to die in a motor accident ( with another woman 's husband ) , and the reader is not shocked when Dermot overturns a car with her and himself in it .
12 One upper-class motherless boy moved to live with a great-uncle who ‘ treated me with the same affection which he would have given to a son .
13 Each question seemed to come as a relief , as though he had expected something more dangerous .
14 The survey was a comparison between self-service and counter-service grocers and the student was puzzled that the old lady claimed to shop at a counter-service yet all her answers suggested that she used a self-service shop .
15 More likely she just ran into the tree and panicked as the sun threatened to rise like a spotlight and expose her .
16 Shortly before the report was launched North Yorkshire social services committee decided to consult on a proposal to close six elderly people 's homes .
17 Whenever their conflicting playing schedules allowed , these two attractive superstars of sport managed to meet in a blaze of publicity .
18 The public sector continued to grow through a process of bureaucratic accretion financed by economic growth .
19 The Easter Rising in Dublin and the government 's abortive plan to rush through a Home Rule settlement caused an even greater furore ; this time Bonar Law had to agree to a meeting of the Central Council , but only alter the cabinet had dropped the Home Rule idea , and with a stipulation in advance that questions would be allowed but not resolutions .
20 The Bedford Area Guardians Committee continued to function as a house committee .
21 Losing tended to lead to a disintegration of the group , and the search for scapegoats both within and outside the group ; tasks needs became even more important to the loser ; losing , however , forced groups to re-evaluate their view of themselves and eventually come to a more realistic assessment of what changes were required to make the group effective .
22 Philip who 's a theatre director planned to follow in a week .
23 But 32 previous arrests for shoplifting failed to result in a jail sentence until now .
24 Gilkes says he will be happy if the firm can sell between 2,500 and 4,000 of the notebooks in the US by the end of this year , with European business expected to generate between a quarter and a third of the US total .
25 The second interview ended abruptly when the convalescent tried to embark on a discussion of the merits of his water-colours .
26 The sound seemed to come from a heap of stones that lay well back among the trees .
27 The rest of the room seemed to disappear in a blur as she looked into his face , seeing him as if she 'd never really seen him before .
28 Boswell 's counterpoint to this recitative divulges that among their books the Mackinnons had the shorter version of Johnson 's own Dictionary , and that , notwithstanding the merry and warm respect they received from the household , the place began to feel like a prison on account of the adverse weather .
29 His nose began to rotate like a rabbit 's .
30 Soon the rain began to seep into a hole in the roof where the wind had obligingly removed a couple of slates .
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