Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] [pron] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The blow caught her on the right side of her face , high on the cheek bone , beneath the eye .
2 Child labour recommended themselves to the early factory masters not only because it was cheap but also because it avoided dependence on adult labour whose traditional work habits were too deeply ingrained .
3 An ad in the Sevenoaks Chronicle led him to the white 1988 Sierra Sapphire 1.8 LX , advertised at £3750 .
4 The mathematician propelled himself towards the prone figure some yards away .
5 A car passed them on the single track road , heading north ; they stood aside to let it pass , waving at the single occupant when he waved at them .
6 Her General Practitioner referred her to the surgical Outpatients Clinic where the surgeon examined her and placed her on the waiting list for stripping ( removal ) of varicose veins .
7 Sure enough , a high-pitched peeping drew me to the stable , and there on the floor was the hen with one minute black puff-ball of a chick .
8 The long black limousine drove them through the wintry city .
9 A boat returned me to the little coral landing-strip ; Friendly Islands Airways took me down to Tongatapu ; and within half a day I was settled in a small hotel in Auckland , waiting for the weekly Cathay Pacific jet home .
10 A minibus took me through the early morning light to Makindye , in the southern suburbs of the city , where the first Uganda National Women 's Festival of Music and Drama was in full swing in a large church hall .
11 Well she 'd gone out through the door and the wind took her down the bloody street !
12 This force possessed none of the gentle , coaxing qualities associated with telepathic races .
13 The whole interview reminded him of the English card game in which you not only had to guess what cards your opponent held , but decide what he thought yours were , and so on .
14 But those who choose violence set themselves on the opposing side from democracy .
15 Fear gripped her at the demoniacal glint in his dark eyes .
16 That is , where the Berlin Secession defined itself against the Wilhelmine state , its Viennese counterpart defined itself against the bourgeois values of the Ringstrasse culture of the 1860s and 1870s .
17 After a dry tour , the brewery directed them to the local pub — which sells a RIVAL brew .
18 Is it not outrageous that so much British taxpayers ' money should have been spent trying to suppress a book which in part told us about the treacherous activities of the security services in trying to undermine the democratically elected Government of Harold Wilson ?
19 It was difficult to remember the route , but Lowell 's van in the bottom field signposted them in the right direction .
20 Mum told me about the various forms of contraception but apart from that we did n't really talk about it .
21 Grooms took their horses whilst a pompous steward of the Prince 's household led them up the main steps into the spacious hall .
22 Aided by her publicity adviser , Sir Gordon Reece , the mousy frump in sensible shoes and off-the-peg clothing transformed herself into the glamorous power-dresser , with coiffed blonde hair and capped teeth , who led President Mitterrand to slaver , ‘ She has the eyes of Caligula and the mouth of Marilyn Monroe . ’
23 The boy found me at the sweet shop across the street , and told me of the drama .
24 He was a chaser of the highest class , and had not other horses of unproven stamina excelled themselves in the National ?
25 The chairman of the committee telephoned me in the late spring of 1976 to say that they were organising a series of public meetings at Wapping when the committee 's plans for the area would be disclosed to the local population for the purpose of hearing their comments and enquiries .
26 That is the same price Leeds council paid them in the mid 1980 's and about £2.5m less than the local authority are looking for now .
27 The main street of the village faced them on the other side of the Westport road .
28 The old man swayed gently on his haunches , then , as the boy threw himself to the left , moved effortlessly across , fending off the child with his palms , using the least force possible to achieve his end .
29 Hideki 's mother was educated and emancipated , but on marriage subjugated herself to the traditional Japanese wife 's domesticated role .
30 A ragged laugh escaped him at the startled look in her eyes .
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