Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb past] [verb] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A car came speeding out of the fog , mounted the pavement and smashed into them .
2 A daunting figure came looming out of the night .
3 The tines pointed up towards the neck , where blood began to gush out with the flow of the water . ’
4 So much lava flowed into the Skaftar valley that it was completely filled and lava began to spill out over the surrounding countryside .
5 And he took the side of Vice President Al Gore against other cabinet members in committing the United States to lowering by 2000 its emission of greenhouse gases to 1990 levels , a provision the Bush administration had kept out of the global climate treaty signed at Rio .
6 The brashness had gone out of the sunlight , and the air had a chill .
7 Lee and his stepdad had come out of the shed .
8 The report , compiled by Judge Ezra Kama and issued on July 18 , claimed that rioting had broken out at the Temple Mount after the accidental discharge of a police tear-gas canister near a group of Palestinian women .
9 The demonstrations were the most serious in Jordan since April 1989 , when rioting had broken out after the imposition of austerity measures [ see p. 36602 ] .
10 A figure had crawled out of the tent , rumpled , wearing trousers and a sweater ; the man stood up once he was clear of the canvas and stretched , yawning .
11 A shifta or brigand had stepped out of the bush , clubbed one of the men and made off with his rifle .
12 Leaflets calling for this protest action had gone out in the name of the underground organization Mwakenya , and were echoed in a BBC World Service broadcast by the exiled writer Ngugi wa Thiongo , but workers were urged by the official Central Organization of Trade Unions to ignore the " seditious leaflets " , and commentators noted an understandable reluctance to identify openly with Mwakenya by supporting its strike call .
13 It was not until she noticed a bill on Todney 's desk , to be authorized by Stephen as complimentary , that she knew his half-brother had checked out of the hotel without so much as saying goodbye to her .
14 One of the crewmen of the small boat stood looking out at the city all around him , smoking a cigarette and gazing at the myriad lights .
15 In one more smooth movement his own shirt was gone , and as she looked at him her naked skin seemed to cry out for the touch of his .
16 But when the death coach came galloping out of the wild black sky to take Darby O'Gill to hell , it fairly put the fear of God in me ; more so than any clergyman before or since , however vivid their threats of eternal damnation .
17 Hotspur put up a hand to the furred collar of his cloak , and let it slide from his shoulders ; and like a silent and attentive valet the girl came gliding out of the shadows and took it from him .
18 For the first time , Isobel felt a little afraid of him , as all the suppressed fury of a rejected child came pouring out in the music .
19 As the driver stopped at this junction the girl managed to jump out of the car .
20 The guard blew smoke out through the doorway .
21 Small pieces of electronic equipment had spilled out of the snake .
22 The Princess had stepped out onto the dais to make the presentations .
23 Well , this went on and on until the pile of things Morag and Granny had cleared out of the cupboards was nearly all gone .
24 And he did not say that , even if they 'd wished to finish the play with his understudy , they could n't , because Alex Household had run out of the theatre immediately after the shooting .
25 He looked out , only half-focusing , until it seemed the fires were burning in his room , or else his reflection had stepped out through the window to roam the park like a ghost .
26 He signed the deal in July 1989 — and by September the bottom had fallen out of the London commercial property market .
27 The bottom had fallen out of the city 's property market and skyscrapers offered for sale at ridiculously low prices could find no buyers .
28 Both of these points of contention were symptomatic of the fundamental issue at stake for Washington , which was that it had lost control of events in Cuba and a client state which had been regarded virtually as a part of the American mainland had moved out of the US orbit .
29 One way or another , drama got left out in the cold .
30 The Pole turned to stare out of the window , his expression once again as bleak as the sky outside .
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