Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] not [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But over the lifetime of a Parliament the Lib Dem PSBR would fall below the Tories because ours is short term borrowing for investment and not longer term for tax cuts .
2 In assessing DBMS there are other factors to bear in mind and not all DBMS of each ‘ type ’ follow the ideal .
3 ‘ Only the shepherd and not this time of the year . ’
4 For example , a general election for the House of Commons must be held at least every 5 years but only certain people have access to the vote and not all votes for different parties are of equal power in the absence of proportional representation making for a close correspondence between votes cast and seats won ; the House of Lords ( once a very powerful state institution ) can now only delay bills passed by the House of Commons ; the Prime Minister " must " come from the Commons ; and it is " expected " that a government will resign and call a general election if it is defeated in a vote of confidence on the floor of the House of Commons .
5 Nobody from Australian cricket officialdom and not one member of the Australian team saw us off .
6 Negative feedback may show itself as disappointment at one 's achievement , particularly when compared with other members of the group , or as boredom or frequent teacher disapproval or not enough attention from the teacher ; it could be personal problems to do with one 's family , love life , accommodation or money difficulties .
7 A judicial report into the Haram al-Sharif or Temple Mount massacre of October 1990 [ see pp. 37759-60 ] directly contradicted the government 's account of the affair , blaming police incompetence and not Arab provocation for the violence in which 17 Palestinians were shot dead and over 100 others were injured .
8 Their nobility was insecure because it rested on inheritance and not moment-to-moment creation in the face of annihilation . ’
9 Rain felt a surge of annoyance : Shildon could have told her that on the telephone and not wasted part of her evening .
10 During their conversation , he realised that the vision was for the present and not 4 years in the future .
11 Plaintiffs may sue for libel even though they have suffered no financial loss but for slander ( with certain exceptions ) they must be able to prove actual damage and not mere injury to feelings .
12 Almond and Coleman , for example , tell us that in South-East Asia , ‘ the bureaucracy and the army are positive actors in the political process and not neutral instruments of policy ’ ( p. 145 ) and that public officials have been ‘ a main factor in holding their respective countries together ’ ( p. 131 ) .
13 Ablation of capsaicin sensitive afferent nerves impairs defence but not rapid rapair of rat gastric mucosa
14 It was sheer chance and not any skill at all .
15 Once again the result is disjunction , for it is quality and not quantitative measures in the work experience which produce self-esteem for the individual .
16 Stones dropped from the top of the mast of a uniformly moving ship fell to the deck at the foot of the mast and not some distance from the mast , as Aristotle 's theory predicted .
17 I 'm saying that in my experience there is too much argument and not enough discussion in processes of government generally , and I believe we would make more progress by a more discursive approach .
18 Obviously , questions of land are absolutely essential to an understanding of Cramlington which can be described in a brutally summary but not inaccurate fashion as the product of two private developers using the local state .
19 Poor in the estuaries in the northern half of Morecambe Bay and not much prospect of improvement .
20 There was fury but not much strength in it , like the tantrum of a very small child .
21 The idea of individual choice is very much there in Conservative ideology and so it becomes quite difficult to say you can have economic choice but not sexual choice in your private life . ’
22 There was no space in here for the literature that had brightened his being and not enough light between these walls for fairytale merchants brought to life in old romances .
23 However , the manual system lacked a direct link with a title listing , i.e. , the end result of the consultation was a classification number and not specific titles from which further refinement could have been made .
24 Perhaps the glider is theoretically just within range for a straight glide home , but has very little extra height in hand and not much prospect of getting another climb .
25 With literariness and not individual works of literature forming the object of literary studies , the status of the author underwent a radical change .
26 Although the object of Formalist literary science was literariness and not individual works of literature , one of the principal consequences of the Formalists ' interest in literariness was an increased awareness of genre .
27 I had just over forty pounds in the bank and not much prospect of raising another bean , but the silly man 's attitude had made me so angry .
28 At the same time , however , there must be evidence sufficient to make belief in God an act of commitment representing risk but not foolish defiance of reality .
29 I was going to say that everyo ebs absolutely everyone is against war but not many people actually joined the United Nations after the war for a very small subscription or not many groups of people have many members in it , and of course because there were so few members in it , they a they went one particular way which a lot of people that had joined did n't agree with and so they came out of it .
30 They take five million pounds out of the scheme as a refund they give themselves a five year contribution holiday and not one penny of that improvement goes to the members .
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