Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [v-ing] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Avoid strong tides , offshore winds , poor visibility or sailing in the dark .
2 It 's back to the stationary bike or jogging in the pool .
3 Prior to the Tektronix announcement , such users were confined to an IBM system using the PS/2 board or waiting for the Network Computing Devices Inc plug-in board option that is announced but not yet available .
4 Only when you have unwound somewhat and are back in balance are you able to progress to a more powerful strategy that involves insight , persistence or talking to the headteacher .
5 Always grumbling , he had threatened them with all kinds of dreadful punishment if he had caught them walking in St Andrew 's churchyard or sheltering in the porch .
6 It was a great feeling to be a competitor , just to get the pleasure of so many people looking at our installation or listening to the quality of sound .
7 " You get up so early and when you re not in chapel , you 're scrubbing or polishing or digging in the garden . "
8 As I walked out of another final-year class at fox Primary , the pupils were building complex models out of balsawood or working on the theories of gearing with big pieces of plastic Meccano .
9 If I tried to picture Mum now like she really is , getting a Sainsbury 's pizza out of the freezer in the kitchen or doing up the seatbelt of her silver Ford Fiesta , I could n't .
10 The first concerns behaviours which are followed by the termination or cessation of unpleasant environmental events — for example , when shutting a window reduces the volume of traffic noise or turning on the heating reduces the discomfort from cold .
11 And er , I thought I 'd probably have wall paper on that wall , you know , use , use the curtains just as plenty of fullness , but have them for keeping out the light or keeping in the heat ,
12 The Irish enforced a ‘ Ban ’ on British sports in the sense that those who wished to play Gaelic football or hurling under the aegis of the Gaelic Athletic Association could not also play football or cricket .
13 Was he , as I originally suspected in Salamanca , an FBI agent or working for the CIA ? ft was a mystery I had no longer any wish to clear up .
14 1807 " The Meeting having revised the Consideration of last year 's resolution respecting the Restriction as to the Liquor … now think that this restriction is not necessary … the Constables shall also be prohibited from Eating or Drinking at the Expence of the Publick . "
15 7.00 a.m. : rise from a bed in an open dormitory shared with five or six other girls ; 7.30 : breakfast , followed by bedmaking ; 8.30 : early morning lacrosse practice or running round the lake ; 9.00 : chapel ; 9.20 : three periods of lessons or prep ; 11.20 : break for buns and milk ; 11.40 : two periods of lessons or prep ; 1.00 : lunch ; 1.40 approximately : a house meeting in which each of thirty-six girls had to inform the housemistress of her activities for the afternoon , and other house business was discussed ; 2.00 : lacrosse ( tennis , cricket , running ) or , if the weather was bad , country dancing , or , with luck , a shampoo ; 3.20 : wash and change into non-uniform clothes ; 3.45 : tea ; 4.00 : four periods of lessons or prep ; 6.40 : house prayers ; 7.00 : supper ; 8.00 or 8.30 , depending on age : half an hour to be spent in chitchat with the housemistress in her room ; 8.30 or 9.00 : bathtime followed by bedtime .
16 Some were part of my social life as well , even if this was simply lunching together in the staff canteen or dropping into the pub for a drink on the way home .
17 Further protection is given to other creditors ( as Mr Berlyn mentions in his letter ) in that once a winding-up petition has been presented , the court may order that any other pending action or proceeding against the company should be restrained .
18 She slumped in the far corner of the white Corniche and watched her mother nervously hugging the steering wheel and peering at the road ahead .
19 Increasingly it is turning away from its relative isolation and facing towards the rest of Europe , a move symbolized by its accession to the European Economic Community on 1 January 1986 ( and in quite another sense by its debates concerning its membership of the NATO alliance ) .
20 Teachers who enjoy their work , feel supported by colleagues and can speak frankly about their ideas and difficulties in the staffroom and in meetings may find it hard to believe ( unless they have recently worked in such a school themselves ) the stories that other teachers tell about suspicion , isolation and backbiting in the school down the road .
21 But observers were sceptical about the prospects of an end to rebel military activity in El Salvador and the call for a larger United Nations role in verifying compliance with the accord and aiding in the disarming of rebel forces .
22 The song , properly known as the ‘ Song of the Western Men ’ , was not sung on the road : it was not written until two centuries later , by the eccentric Parson Hawker of Morwenstow , ( in the intervals between scaring his parishioners by dressing as a mermaid and singing on the seashore ) .
23 Had Buksh taken the appropriate action on each occasion — a yellow card and pointing to the spot respectively — we might have been spared the subsequent skirmishing :
24 SHOPKEEPERS in Redcar and Guisborough are attacking Langbaurgh Council plans to introduce fees for car parking which would involve drivers buying a scratch card and marking off the length of stay .
25 The service ranges from a search for suitable target profiles ( linking with MC Strategy Services where appropriate ) , to assisting with structuring and negotiating the deal and liaising with the KPMG Investigation Service team .
26 He is observing the electron being deflected by the magnetic field in the Stern -Gerlach experiment and listening to the Geiger counters to see whether it is the one at A or the one at B which clicks .
27 She has been acclaimed as the greatest Canadian painter of the century , while her four books are said to have reached new heights of perception and understanding in the annals of Canadian literature .
28 Will he also point out that the only threat to the progress being made in the duchy comes from those who propose the introduction of a national minimum wage , and the abolition of competitive tendering and charging in the NHS ?
29 Although Mexico accounted in recent times for more than a third of the world 's production of silver , the extraction and working of the metal began there only late in the first millennium A.D.
30 Both are leaving Bag End , but the former cheerfully , without the Ring , without responsibility , for Rivendell , the latter with a growing sense of unwished involvement , carrying the Ring and heading in the end for Mordor .
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