Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [vb past] [to-vb] at the " in BNC.

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1 Penry Vaughan ducked his tall head through the doorway and moved to stand at the foot of the bed in the shadows beyond the arc of light from the small lamp .
2 The whole train stopped while he jumped down from the dome car and went to look at the laggard .
3 When they immediately reacted with their automatic alarm response of rolling up into a tight ball , the entire family promptly rolled down the slope of the hill and came to rest at the man 's feet , where he picked them up and popped them into his collecting bag .
4 He was nearing the top of the hill and turned to look at the view as an excuse for a breather .
5 He shook his head and continued to stare at the old man , but there was pleading in his voice now .
6 He crossed to the edge of the grass and craned to look at the top of the building .
7 Recovering , Emmie seized the thin old hearthrug and began to beat at the flames .
8 Fran closed her eyes , willing the frantic pounding of her pulse to slow , but when his fingers completed their slow journey and came to rest at the base of her neck she knew that he could feel every frantic beat .
9 The cuttings to take now are semi-hardwood or semi-ripe cuttings : young shoots that have grown this year and started to harden at the base .
10 After 1945 , the committee was allowed to divide itself into subcommittees , it gave up scrutinizing the estimates in detail and began to look at the way money was being spent in selected fields and how far government policy was being achieved .
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