Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [verb] by [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Consequence : Boost to production and idealism : idealism counterbalanced by fear and threatened by worsening privation as attacks on ‘ corruption ’ begin to bite ; growth partially nullified by a worsening of distribution problems as the second economy is rolled back .
2 This has had political and analytical ramifications , with the inner city debate frequently lacking a left perspective , leaving the field to a contest between liberal assertions of the case for sympathy ( ESRC , 1986 ; Robson , 1988 ; MacGregor and Pimlott , 1990 ; Wilson , 1987 ) and more recent and robust demands on the right for a faith in strategies of benign neglect based on market led regeneration and tempered by occasional state facilitation of the private sector ( Savas , 1983 ; Trippier , 1989 ) .
3 As the jury foreman delivered the guilty verdit , Kelly , standing in the dock and flanked by three prison officers , showed no emotion .
4 ‘ For example , in 1979 the equity market rose in nominal terms by 9.7 p.c. but fell by 6.5 p.c. in real terms as a result of inflation . ’
5 The latter , recommended by The Warnock Report ( DES 1978 ) , was established in law by the 1981 Education Act and supported by subsequent advice to professionals issued by the DES ( 1983 , 1989 ) .
6 Varicose veins are abnormal dilations of the veins due to stasis and back pressure , often caused by incompetent valves , weak walls of the vein and exacerbated by increased pressure from above , e.g. obesity , pregnancy .
7 At High Wycombe a more sanitary state of affairs persisted with the erection of several guild altars in the Chapel of the Trinity and Our Lady , built over the bone-hole and served by two chantry priests .
8 To start with , all the used fuel assemblies would have to be unloaded from the reactor core and transported by special container either to Sellafield or to a storage site .
9 There remain doubts about Mason 's stamina but encouraged by greater attention since Bruno 's career was put on hold , he is fitter than at any other time in his career and is undoubtably the heavier puncher .
10 Confronted by noble resistance and alarmed by foreign upheaval , Nicholas had shelved the issue and committed himself to upholding the status quo at home and abroad .
11 The daily output of faeces was slightly enhanced by dietary calcium and decreased by dietary phosphate ( Table I ) .
12 It addresses certain key issues which continue to be troublesome : the selection of aspects of commercial law suitable for harmonization ; the level and scope of the harmonizing measure and the extent to which it does or does not displace conflict-of-laws rules ; the factors relevant to the method of harmonization and the likelihood of its success ; the problem of language ; the efficiency of the mechanism by which harmonizing measures are brought into existence and implemented by national legislation ; and , most crucial of all , the indifference , or even hostility , with which harmonization proposals continue to be greeted .
13 This fascinating Berber village is 2000ft. above sea level and surrounded by majestic mountain scenery .
14 At a rally orchestrated by a housewife and inspired by last weekend 's IRA bombing in Warrington , a series of speakers echoed pleas for an end to more than two decades of terror .
15 Had he and the Bishop already decided even before Spruce came that they would set Theodora on ( one , after all , of their own kind and bound by clerical obedience ) rather than helping the normal , if crude , processes of the law ?
16 Sited at the extreme right end of the crag and flanked by broken rock and hillside , it nevertheless provides an appealing climb .
17 The internalisation of values based on a commonality of experience and reinforced by collective committee decision making is certainly , in principle , capable of producing formidable business success .
18 Because it was easy to launch them , a great diversity of colonies sprang up and usually they were neither compelled by any external danger nor persuaded by any liking for their neighbours to come to closer terms with one another .
19 The consultation paper outlines how objectives for water quality could be set on a statutory basis and determined by actual use , for example fisheries , sport or water supply .
20 Peter Rees , Bristol North District General Manager , will present the team with a rugby ball , autographed by the Bath TFC team and given by British Gas marketing coordinator and rugby star Jeremy Guscott .
21 Joffre , calm and impassive — still enjoying his two massive daily meals , consumed at leisure and followed by deep slumber — planned to counter-attack sooner or later .
22 The person who wants to explore , keep on the move and typified by some form of touring holiday .
23 Despite this the Duma was reduced from a legislative to a consultative body and hedged by all manner of restrictions .
24 The memory node itself is a small conducting region connected to an external circuit by a multiple tunnel junction and controlled by special gate capacitors .
25 Mineral wool slabs are stuck on to the outer face of the wall and held by special fixing devices .
26 The major Caledonian basic-ultrabasic intrusive complexes of north-east Scotland ( Wadsworth , 1982 ) have been investigated for copper , nickel , titanium and PGE by several mining companies and the BGS .
27 The practice of providing secondments to education and business is unique in education business liaison because it requires participants to transcend the barriers of classroom or workplace to break out of their normal work pattern behaviour and to learn by direct experience from others ' work settings .
28 Prices , based on accommodation located centrally or in Frankfurt suburbs , include a fair entrance ticket and travel by scheduled airline from UK airports , including Heathrow , Gatwick and Stansted .
29 Apolline music , played on the lyre and characterized by regular rhythm and overall restraint , was already familiar in Greece .
30 If for example rebuilding is necessary and plans have to be drawn up by an architect and approved by local Council , any fees incurred here would be covered .
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