Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [verb] [adv prt] for the " in BNC.

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1 This has become so serious a concern that early in 1991 , less than a year before their latest deadline for the launch of CD-I , Philips themselves established their own CD-I publishing operation , perhaps in an effort to energise CD-I disc investment or to make up for the lack of it .
2 But he recovered his balance in a stride and made off for the water jump .
3 I collect snow and start off for the nearest dead tree with the big knife and an axe .
4 A man stranded on a desert island builds a rowing boat and sets out for the nearest land .
5 Mark crossed the imposing entrance hall and went out for the last time .
6 She combed her hair , applied her make-up and set off for the Post Office .
7 This is the beginning of the classic route to follow on a walking tour of Zurich , starting from the main railway station through the sophisticated poise of the Bahnhofstrasse and branching off for the Lindenhof .
8 An attack would have been tantamount to committing suicide , so reluctantly Stirling gave orders to leave the town and head back for the rendezvous with the LRDG .
9 Once inside the shed , Amis entered the cage and cast around for the big wrench that he 'd taken to keeping in here .
10 The guests are legless anyway ; they 've paid at least £75 per head and shelled out for the tombola , raffle and auction .
11 With reluctance she pulled on a jacket and set out for the Rectory .
12 Gregor Townsend later managed to pass to the referee — clad in near identical colours to the Scots — for the Samoans to plunder ball and scuttle in for the first of their three tries , though it might have been more had we not seen defensive heroics typified by a timely tackle on Leilane Une by Derek Turnbull .
13 But three minutes after the interval Leeds skipper Ellery Hanley took Schofield 's short pass to spin out of a tackle and go over for the try , goaled by Gallagher , which put Leeds in front for the first and only time in the game .
14 However , he was not thrown out , he was taken back to the station and locked up for the night .
15 At Tesco you can buy 100% re-cycled paper products ( see the list on the back of the leaflet and look out for the special symbol on packs ) .
16 She helped the younger woman to the kitchen , put her on a chair and looked round for the kettle .
17 John Titford responded to the call and signed up for the Volunteer Infantry .
18 It took me to twenty to stand into a half crouch and reach up for the bolt .
19 When he had gone , Arty , smiling to himself at what he considered a victory , got out of bed and set off for the bathroom to wash his hair .
20 Rex dumped the two-headed sailor-boy back on my knee and took off for the phone .
21 I got hold of him by the scruff of the neck and took him along to the police box and rang up for the wagon .
22 As they finally leave the city and head out for the open road , Billy the Kid says , ‘ We made it , did n't we ? ’
23 The woman clung to Julia 's hand and broke down for the first time , weeping and pouring out a torrent of Italian that Julia was incapable of translating for herself .
24 She seized her valise and struck out for the back of the house and the kitchen .
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