Example sentences of "[noun sg] [coord] [noun] [verb] [adv prt] for " in BNC.

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1 They slept on Amy 's bed , drank indiscriminately from any saucer of milk or tea put down for them , were remarkably docile under Timmy 's boisterous caresses and , happily , seemed content with the cheapest kind of tinned cat food .
2 Certainly there may be the odd chart or graph thrown in for luck but the basic requirement is for high quality text .
3 They are not necessarily the cheapest but can sometimes offer a package deal supplying all requirements from a single source with own stock and products bought in for the purpose .
4 Siraj-ud-Daula could not have been defeated — if that is the word for the collapse of his army — and destroyed if he had not alienated his subjects by being unreliable and vacillating , without any signs of charm or kindness to make up for it , but the decisive fact was that the British had fought him , while his subjects had only deserted him and waited to see who would win .
5 However , Karen 's quick intelligence and enthusiasm make up for any problems caused by her disability , and Janet says , she 's a big asset to the salon .
6 We also installed and operated the concrete batching and mixing set up for St Mawgan with a site presence backed up from the Plymouth Depot .
7 Mario got the preferred equipment and Ronnie made up for it in sheer aggression .
8 Stewart stayed with him for about an hour and a half and Lamb hung around for a while , but Smith was his main ally and , as the day ebbed away , it seemed as though only the new ball stood between England and a draw .
9 But they also take scraps thrown out for birds , together with the bread and milk put out for them by well-meaning animal lovers .
10 Dexter watched the conversation between his boss and Russell rattle on for several minutes .
11 Chola and Mina set out for the fields to continue the millet harvest , and Kalchu fetched the flat wooden spade and began beating down the mud to repair the leaking roof .
12 The driver and conductor made up for them by shouting and singing , and the little bus itself was extremely noisy as it rattled along the bumpy streets .
13 Mum drove the car into the huge car park and Stuart looked out for a parking space .
14 Parke , 17 , needed all his creativity and courage to hold on for a 15-10 , 9-15 , 15-12 , 15-14 victory just when his resources were beginning to flag .
15 There can be a tendency for such firms to collect details of all cash or cheques received from clients on the one hand , and all cash or cheques paid out for labour , materials , plant or services on the other , and pass the entire batch to the accountant at half-yearly or yearly intervals .
16 At nine-thirty tea was served in the next room and conversation went on for a long time , above all if Mérimée or Octave Feuillet ( the novelist who was librarian at Fontainebleau ) were seated next to the Empress .
17 Cicero , who had his head and hands cut off for recommending a return to republican principles , ruefully referred to Jupiter as ‘ the awful presence of the supreme mind ’ , perhaps foreshadowing Christian beliefs .
18 In a profession often noted for self-promotion and expediency she had become a trusted friend , hostess and shoulder to lean on for many .
19 Here , whatever else is obscure , the need for a much greater commitment of resources is indisputable : without , for example , a massive renewal and expansion of physical provision , men and methods will not avail , though men are the essence of the service and methods cry out for more and more exploration .
20 This letter was written the day after father and son set off for Italy .
21 The cast and crew set off for Tahiti .
22 Cy left the cast and Michael came in for the last two weeks of rehearsals .
23 Condensation might entail the one kind of subject and/or manifestation standing in for the whole domain of evil , incurring responsibility for the whole in the process of being made to signify it .
24 Methody winger Richard McCluskey showed great pace and balance running in for two late tries as the youth team tired .
25 The pal then puts his phone receiver to the radio and Mike listens in for the next 90 minutes — cost £6.75 .
26 There are three main ways you can do this ; you can continue at school , have a home tutor , or attend a special unit or project set up for pregnant school-girls and school-age mothers .
27 Moreover , children attending school and adults turning up for work inevitably have their liberty restricted : simply because the engagement in one activity necessarily restricts their opportunity to participate in other activities , that is , restriction by effect .
28 Tom 's widow and son flew over for the service and were very appreciative of the many old friends who attended , and for the lovely lunch provided by the ladies of the Kinghan Church .
29 In Northern Ireland , Craigavon , Antrim , Ballymena and Londonderry were all designated between 1965 and 1969 , following the Belfast Regional Survey and Plan carried out for Stormont by Professor Robert Matthew ( Murie , 1973 ) .
30 The ability to laugh at themselves was never more evident as the three took their audience on a comic tour of Jewish life as we know it today with a smattering of politics , anti-semitism and Zionism thrown in for good measure .
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