Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun prp] [verb] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When Michele had retrieved the crutch from the back seat Luce followed him into the bare concrete building and waited while he knocked at the door of one of the ground-floor flats .
2 By the time he meets his benefactor Pip has none of the sympathy of the reader as he is snobby , condescending and harsh towards Magwitch as is shown in this quote from Pip
3 Each year groups from mainland Spain find themselves at the house of the White Dove , a name symbolic of the peace and comfort which they experience through his caring approach .
4 Usually when she got home with the bread Léonie dumped it on the kitchen table .
5 As she stumbled back into the corridor Alexander disengaged himself from the embrace of the dark-haired woman .
6 What do you want now , ah , that 's it push me over you are n't half cheeky , no wonder Mary tells me off the way I treat ya , ah ?
7 In the closing minutes of the half Collins threw himself in the way of yet another Coyle attempt after dropping Marty McCaffrey 's free kick to keep his goal intact at the interval .
8 Once the luggage was stowed away on board Penry lifted her on the deck of the Angharad and cast off .
9 But she turned away without looking at him and the next moment Doyle had him by the arm and was hauling him upstairs .
10 With UN approval MacArthur pursued them across the parallel and on towards the Yalu River which marked the border with Communist China .
11 Charlotte put it in Emily 's hands , but after a moment Emily dropped it on the floor .
12 With a wail Jenny threw herself on the bed and buried her face in her pillow .
13 At that moment Basil called them from the house .
14 She says : ‘ My husband John took me to the hairdresser yesterday .
15 He lost interest after that , his plan overshadowed by the oil tanker Manhattan making it across the top of America .
16 While Cleo and Dauntless tried to arrange themselves comfortably upon the sacking — which smelled malodorous in the extreme , as if the dogs had been using it as a toilet Apanage busied herself with the ghost-bagging equipment .
17 Is that the day Jane asked them about the pension , how much there 'd
18 Yesterday he told the court Kim threatened him with the knife after inviting him back to her flat .
19 Wittek writes that among the basic causes of concern were Bayezid 's policy of using Christian soldiers against the Muslim gazi emirates in Anatolia and the " latinization " of the Ottoman court , the introduction into it of the practices of the Christian Balkan princes , this criticism being reflected in anecdotes relating that Bayezid 's Serbian wife Despina instructed him in the delights of wine .
20 At one point on the next night Jordi drew me into the shadows and to my astonishment produced a vicious-looking switch-blade knife , warning me never to look at another man in his presence .
21 And then my friend Stephanie saw you in the garden .
22 In hindsight , it 's difficult to understand what all the furore was about , since Sikorsky only took a minority stake in Westland , but at the height of the storm Cuckney found himself in the unwelcome glare of national publicity .
23 Then old man Grierson treats me like the village idiot .
24 CATHERINE Zeta Jones sees herself as the new Barbra Streisand .
25 Now it is only his second touch of the ball , two minutes later it could have been two nil ; as Ian Beechey found Nigel Mott in space , he rounded the Rayner 's keeper , but Hanger Hines cleared it off the line .
26 He knocked down McGuire for a count of nine and on the break from the subsequent clinch McGuire hit him in the adam 's apple .
27 When they had collected the papers from a shop on the wharf Tony took him to The Brigantine , a pub halfway up a steep , cobbled street .
28 On arrival at the farm Edward introduced her to the herdsman then went on to his house , promising to come back shortly .
29 That is the real reason Strathclyde finds itself in the midst of the gravest financial crisis in its history — not the can pay , wo n't pay' Poll Tax rebels .
30 A change to teaching English to Italian children brought worse problems with ‘ il Signor Conte ’ , and a period married to a sisal farmer in Portuguese East Africa found her in the worst place on God 's earth .
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