Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb base] on the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Left : All five of the brightly coloured villages in Disney 's Caribbean Beach Resort sit on the edge of a huge lake , with beautiful sandy white beaches .
2 PS Send on the list of your TV dates you ca n't do ’ .
3 She wiped herself , tossed the paper into the pan , lifted the little button-shaped plunger on the top of the tank .
4 Black Sun Ensemble rely on the kind of guitar sound that floats almost too closely into jazz fusion territory .
5 She found Colin asleep on a rattan lounger on the veranda of his cottage in Holetown .
6 The sensory nerve cells that are affected by capsaicin depend on the presence of NGF to develop properly , and to maintain high enough levels of peptide to carry out their functions .
7 After the court hearing a BBC television unit in the southwest filmed on board Alert and reconstructed the smuggling exploit on the theme of the West country as a traditional smuggling coastline .
8 Ruth stirred restlessly on a canvas sun-lounger on the balcony of a Palma apartment .
9 However , the proportions in which elements are produced in the big bang depend on the number of types of neutrino ( the neutrinos play a role in moving energy around the fireball ) .
10 Though differences of opinion exist on the rationale behind Darwin 's reforms , there can be no doubt that he radically transformed a weak and backward-looking organisation into an internationally renowned art school .
11 The responsibility and duties of the family proceedings court cease on the making of the care order , subject to the provisions of section 34 which make provision for contact orders being made by the court .
12 Will my hon. Friend speculate on the effect on jobs in the electronics industry in my constituency and elsewhere of a Labour party proposal to increase value added tax on luxury items to 25 per cent ?
13 They basically posed the question that , if all other financial decisions were held constant , what effect would changing the dividend payout ratio have on the value of the firm 's equity ?
14 Perhaps the dead body of the loved one expresses all the pathos of this absence , the helplessness of being watched , and not knowing Actors are paid to pretend that they are unaware of being watched , but they of course rely on the collusion of the watcher , and nearly always get it .
15 Recent ideas about language use and learning insist on the primacy of communicative activities in the classroom .
16 The optimum ramp gradient and stepping rate limit depend on the number of steps to be executed ( see following example ) and , in principle , the function generator characteristics could be made to depend on the target position information .
17 There will be a free prize draw on the day with the chance to win a TSB sports bag and other goodies .
18 Darlington is well provided with Catholic schools and as Father Cademan is a member of the Diocesan Schools Commission and was until recently a county councillor , one might ask why did recent rebuilding proceed on the basis of an under-estimation of demand ?
19 What effect will adherence to the European Exchange Rate Mechanism have on the cost of garden statuary ?
20 The precise properties of the alloy depend on the amount of tin added .
21 The consequences of starvation depend on the type of dietary deficiency from which it arises .
22 The question whether a man who considers himself wronged has a claim which he can make good will depend on the answer to the question : Is there a writ to meet his case or , if there is not one , can one be framed which the King 's Courts will hold good ?
23 the hypothesis may seem to give a palatable explanation of the emergence of life on Earth , but it merely pushes the problem one stage back : how did life originate on the planet of these putative alien space travellers ?
24 Most of the discussions about the relationships between class , state , economy and civil society proceed on the basis of a ‘ unitary conception ’ of the working class .
25 Houses on the outskirts of West Bromwich approach close on the right beyond long grass while more wild vegetation on the left stands at the top of a high embankment with a stream , pond , college and school at the foot , the land gradually rising again to Church Hill at Wednesbury .
26 ‘ I suddenly feel old , Dexter , ’ she shouted , paddling through the crowd towards Eddy Russell , who sat by himself on a huge mahogany settle on the right of the door .
27 Now , both my son and I are currently non-musicians who are keen to learn , but we do n't know what effect the three knobs and the sliding lever have on the front of the instrument .
28 At the same time he felt Nails 's hand descend on the back of his neck , pushing him down .
29 Does the standard of housing reflect on the standard of health ?
30 Business decisions whether to buy equipment or to build a new factory depend on the relationship between the rate of interest and the expected rate of return on the project .
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