Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb base] [been] [verb] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This will bring in reforms of the kind which the Consumers ' Association have been campaigning for over many a long year .
2 Juveniles who break the law have been dealt with by separate courts since 1908 and since 1933 the courts have been specifically charged to have regard to the child 's welfare in all their dealings .
3 Plans to build the country 's second biggest reservoir have been shelved for at least five years .
4 Some examples of biological control have been referred to in section 4.4.3 in relation to Australia and in many instances it is clear that the introduction of alien species has proved ecologically disastrous .
5 Andrewes ' qualities and weaknesses in public life have been commented upon by his later biographers .
6 The difference is that the copy has been supplied by a PRO and the photography and space have been paid for by that PRO 's company or organisation .
7 All the suppliers of building services represented in this brochure have been selected from amongst those recommended by established local opinion as being reliable and reasonable .
8 Strictly speaking , collocations represent syntagmatic and paradigmatic knowledge rather than semantic , but it is argued that they represent the implicit application of syntactic , semantic and pragmatic knowledge [ Sharman , 1990 ] , and for reasons of simplicity have been referred to as a source of semantic information .
9 CONTROVERSIAL plans to redevelop a dilapidated shopping arcade in a town centre have been delayed for at least a year .
10 Car crime , nine hundred and sixty cars so far this year have been broke into in the Portsmouth , bearing in mind yours are around the town .
11 What seems to have occurred is that the texts of the previous generation have been disposed of in preference to any others .
12 The market places of many an old town throughout the country have been encroached upon in similar ways .
13 Enquiries about the pyrolysis system have been received from around the world .
14 The number of Council Tax administrative staff below Senior Assistant level have been arrived at in total by examining the Community Charge case load per member of staff , projecting this on the basis of estimated case load for Council Tax and increasing this by 20% in order to deal with the personal elements of Council Tax , which were previously dealt with by the Community Charge Registration Officer .
15 The main reasons for the development of international banking have been dealt with in this chapter .
16 Sulawesi and the rest of the Wallacean region have been isolated for at least several hundred thousand years .
17 Pupils at primary schools in Grampian Region have been gearing up on road safety .
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