Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb base] [vb pp] and [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To take two extreme examples , while Third World countries have been pressured to dismantle barriers against imports in the 1970s and 1980s , the United States and the European Community have built and maintained high protective walls against agricultural imports .
2 Dr. Corrigan suggests that ‘ by the time the World Health Organisation have listed and checked all the herbs which could be used , doctors may find themselves prescribing herbs which were once dismissed as old wives ' tales ’ .
3 My flocks of thought have dispersed and become lost for I have not marked them with the branding iron of the images .
4 I have been metal detecting now for over twenty years , and in that time have owned and tested many detectors .
5 The same editorial team will continue to produce the updates/supplements and we will endeavour to keep up the high standard WEKA have achieved and add few new ideas of our own .
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