Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb pp] up [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The " full recovery plan " would set aside 5.4 million acres , at a cost of 32,000 jobs in the timber industry : an alternative drawn up on the instructions of Interior Secretary Manual Lujan would protect 2.8 million acres but result in the loss of 15,000 logging jobs .
2 Some kindly English Burma police were with us and whenever the boat tied up to the banks would slip ashore and bring back fruit for us .
3 Kingfisher risks having its bid held up by a Monopolies Commission investigation because of the grip it would have on the electrical retailing market if it controlled Dixons and Currys as well as Comet .
4 I remember the scandal surrounding her in the Seventies , when she appeared to be just a naive young girl caught up in the trappings of fame .
5 The corollary is obvious : a printing office employing women at low wages to do straight setting could dispense with a number of ordinary linesmen , keeping on only a highly skilled minority of men at rather above normal wages to " service " the type set up by the women .
6 The traditional lobola payments were rarely made and no contract drawn up between the families .
7 A major new training initiative set up by the Women 's Unit and the Personnel Services Division could have a profound effect on women 's employment across Europe .
8 For its part , West Germany was unhappy about the restrictions that had been placed upon the economic development of much of its heavy industry by the International Ruhr Authority , an organisation set up by the Allies during their military occupation of Germany : the Schuman Plan offered a way to eliminate the Authority while still satisfying West Germany 's neighbours about its intentions .
9 LEEDS UNITED 'S Steve Hodge was last night lined up for a Pounds 700,000 move to Everton .
10 Leaving Christian pulling on his boots with the intention of going to assist the gipsies , Seb made his way to the camp set up by the road-makers .
11 Even so , The Survivors is less convincing as a portrayal of a dire predicament than as a formal arrangement set up by the figures as they stretch and strain over the raft .
12 Nazism fed on the dark myths of racial purity and xenophobia dressed up in the glories of a supposedly great history and an invented Nordic heritage ( Walker 1969 ) .
13 Had the peak risen up from the waters and punctured the keel , thereby skewering the vessel in place ?
14 Paul lay in the sunlight curled up into a little ball , quite still , and Blyth was lying on his stomach , hands under his cheek , the stump of his left leg drawn up in the flowers and the grass , sticking out from his shorts like some monstrous erection .
15 This was a newly independent state formed by the Allies around the nucleus of the Polish puppet state set up by the Germans in 1916 .
16 One of the main causes for concern brought up by the employees was not being involved with a number of changes that were taking place .
17 The £56 ( for fitting an Alfasud seat ) included a metal bar to reduce the space taken up by the safety-straps in the boot .
18 I then twist the plate forty five degrees and then keep doing that and Paul , can you see the ink taken up on the grooves there ?
19 The accusation came after Mr John Gummer , the Agriculture Minister — under fierce Labour and consumer group pressure — produced a list drawn up by the manufacturers on the 70 microwave oven models tested by Government scientists .
20 Instead , Mr Gummer told the House of Commons the list drawn up by the manufacturers themselves contained new instructions which would make all the machines ‘ perfectly safe in use . ’
21 You want your audience doped up to the eyeballs in feelgood factor .
22 The issue of military corruption thrown up by the Pinocheques and La Cutufa cases [ see pp. 37852-53 ] had severely damaged the image of the army , which had projected itself as incorruptible and on this basis had hoped to defend itself successfully against charges of human rights abuses during the military dictatorship .
23 The company set up by the defendants had also opened Bureaux de Change in Paris .
24 Recoup , a pilot recycling company set up by the plastics industry , was paying local authorities £50–100 a tonne for plastic bottles and was trying to build a market for them .
25 The figure includes loans sold to the Co-operative Credit Purchasing Company , a loan-buying company set up by the banks themselves .
26 Another chapter , on the Kapos and the Special Squads , exhibits what must surely be judged an analytic understanding of the concentration-camp system set up by the Nazis — an understanding Eberstadt is inclined to deny him , believing that the camps are insufficiently construed in the Auschwitz book as an institutionalised anti-Semitism peculiar to Germany and politically-determined : she thinks it is soft of him to see them as belonging to a universal latent hostility to strangers .
27 The negotiating position taken up by the unions will be an important factor , and Naville recognises that the behaviour of the unions will be influenced by many factors additional to the technology used in some trade union members ' firms .
28 ‘ Yes , he got his face mixed up with the spokes of —
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