Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb pp] in the first [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A number of missions owe their existence to the initiative and financial support given in the first place by the Association .
2 This is still some disadvantage for the acquirer because it is more difficult to gain agreement to a change made subsequently than to a provision included in the first draft .
3 Mr Runciman said the first warning of problems came in August when it was realised that a major contract expected in the first half of the financial year was not going to materialise .
4 The elections were thus marked by a high rate of abstention : only 38.89 per cent of the electorate voted in the first round and 33.38 per cent in the second .
5 Respective values for the later serial positions were compared between the two groups to test for the recency effect produced in the first group .
6 In order to protect the public from the charlatan or the quack , entry into the profession must be guarded , its standards polic-ed , and its rules of practice defined in the first instance by the profession itself …
7 The help given in the first period of Addenbrookes , when the plaintiff had her own room and was for much of the time still in a coma , was clearly signifidant , significant , not only in caring for the plaintiff 's physical needs , but in giving the support and encouragement which no doubt contributed greatly to the plaintiff 's emergence from that coma .
8 The village hall , known as the Victory Hall , was an old army hut used in the First World War .
9 We return now to the question raised in the first part of the paper .
10 If the Bank refuses to accept these offers then the amount of assistance provided in the first round could be a long way short of the overall amount of assistance needed during the day .
11 It has seen the consolidation of work commenced in the first year ; the forging ahead of ‘ key ’ enterprise activities university wide and the ‘ piloting ’ of a number of innovative projects .
12 The total number of pieces of gum used in the first day should be gradually reduced over a subsequent period of ten days .
13 The custom originated in the first half of the nineteenth century and has largely died out , but at Saddleworth a very large procession takes place on the Friday after Whitsuntide .
14 The principal point made in the first discussion paper on Finance is that the United Kingdom in 1973/74 contributed £313 million towards the support of Northern Ireland services , the equivalent of £200 per annum per head of the population .
15 Who wanted the job done in the first place ? ’
16 But all the patients studied had asthma written in the first part of the death certificate and had been entered into the local statistics as asthma deaths .
17 Robert Schore 's article printed in the first edition has been edited leaving only his case examples to save duplication of the information which is now in a more expanded form in John Tomlinson 's essay .
18 Total business declined in the first quarter , although at a slower rate than at any time over the past year .
19 As we have noted , surveys on the poll tax conducted in the first half of 1990 mapped not only the considerable public hostility to the tax , but also the fact that the blame for it was firmly laid at the government 's door .
20 It is , then , unsafe to generalise as Lyons does that : ‘ until modern methods of sound recording were developed ( a ) the inscription of language utterances on durable materials provided a more reliable means of transmission than memory and oral reproduction ’ and ( b ) that this was ‘ recognised to be so in the western tradition in which literacy developed in the first instance for this purpose ’ ( 1982 ) .
21 I consider that , for the provision of a service within the meaning of article 59 to be involved in the sea-fishing sector , there must be an operation carried out by a national established in one member state for a recipient established in another member state by means of a fishing vessel registered in the first state .
22 Year II is spent in industrial training in a computing environment which allows students to apply the skills and knowledge gained in the first year of the course to real day-today situations and problems experienced by organizations using computer-based information systems .
23 For the empirical evidence discussed in the first section of this chapter led to the conclusion that habituation and latent inhibition are subserved by different mechanisms ; it follows that a theory based on the assumption of a common mechanism must be wrong in one way or another ; the fact that Wagner 's theory is inadequate as an account of habituation provides no reason to reject its explanation for latent inhibition .
24 The numbfish , which Pliny the Elder recorded in the first century AD , are now known as electric rays .
25 More specifically , in sentences such as those above , in which an event mentioned in the first clause is explained by a reason or cause stated in a following because clause , that world knowledge includes information about what Garvey & Caramazza ( 1974 ) call the implicit causality of the verb in the first clause .
26 Several titles are already available with the joint logo , and the first new titles under the arrangement come in the first half of this year .
27 On the other hand , this heterogeneity between risk groups might reflect the existence of constitutionally distinct subgroups within a population that has different forms of susceptibility to adenoma development : one with generalised and noticeable proliferative anomalies throughout the entire colonic epithelium that produce an increase tendency toward recidivism , and a second , less recidivant subgroup in whom polyp development is not preceded by the generalised pattern of hyperproliferation seen in the first group but by other types of alterations as yet unidentified .
28 ‘ Why was this baby kidnapped in the first place ? ’
29 The pattern has more in common with the single bed slip pattern shown in the first article , although the construction of the fabric is the same as for the one above .
30 The second special factor has been the role played by the Murid Brotherhood , an Islamic movement founded in the first decade of the twentieth century by Amadu Bamba , which has played a key political role in delivering support first for the French colonial authorities and later for the governments of independent Senegal .
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