Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb pp] and [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Balor had fallen headlong and was lying on the forest floor , one foot caught and held by the root of a huge old ash Tree that protruded from the ground .
2 Stock and work in progress shall exclude any element of profit and should reflect only those items counted at the formal stocktake undertaken and observed by the Auditors and the Purchaser 's Accountants on 31 December , 1990 .
3 A DRIVER was killed when his three-wheeler car overturned and skidded along the road , hitting an elderly woman and ramming a pub sign .
4 The car overturned and ploughed into the side of a stationary delivery van .
5 A PIONEERING rambler collapsed and died in the surroundings he loved the most the North Yorkshire dales .
6 The Graduate Enterprise Programme ( GEP ) , is a business start-up programme organised and run by the Northern Ireland Small Business Institute ( NISBI ) .
7 A great deal of blood pumped and washed over the clean tiled floor .
8 The car bucked and lunged against the flowered banks , shaking the two ofthem loose like dolls as it turned over and over .
9 Students studying part-time , and by definition receiving no grant , will graduate on completion of the programme of study planned and agreed between the student and his or her personal tutor .
10 And then the car bumped and scrambled to the top of the little hill and there , once more and changeless , was ‘ La Felicità ’ .
11 The surface was badly pockmarked and the car bumped and bounced over the uneven thoroughfare , its journey only becoming smoother as they reached the main road that would lead them into Chichester itself .
12 Each one of those millions of evolutionary changes by means of which the single cell multiplied and diversified into the vast complexity of all living things , was either ‘ good ’ , and contributing towards the development of the human being of today , or ‘ not good ’ and was therefore continuing the development of what was , or would become , a non-human species , or lost to evolution by bringing about the extinction of a species .
13 From quite early on , the way in which project experience might enhance , and be articulated with , the existing programme of inservice provision overseen and coordinated from the county Education Centre was a regular item of discussion by the Coordinating Team .
14 Oh , cos Joelle was trying to , trying to work out if she can afford to have her hair done and go to the cinema .
15 Twelve days later the consultant intervened and said to the man , ‘ Would n't you like to stroke that dog ? ’
16 Signs of Constantine 's new deal for the church were that the council petitioned and obtained from the emperor a degree of tax exemption for the sake of the church 's welfare for the poor , and that exile was imposed on the two bishops who withheld their signature to the creed and canons .
17 A sixteen year old girl collapsed and died at the Hacienda in Manchester after ‘ dropping an E ’ .
18 the date when the total quantity of petroleum won and saved from the original 8.62608 per cent interest in the Ninian field attributable to the Group reaches 120 million barrels ; or
19 The defendants were art dealers who carried on business from a London gallery owned and controlled by the principal of the defendants , Mr Christopher Hull .
20 Unless prohibited , because of the possibility of dust raising , the area then should be swept , the debris collected and moved from the area .
21 Any regiment may include a Boss armed and equipped as the rest of the unit ( see Equipment List for points values ) .
22 The case put , of a child born and hurt during the journey , whether the liability could be enlarged to comprehend a case of that kind , in which there was no contract and no consideration , may involve much difficulty .
23 For a girl born and bred in the slums of Clerkenwell she showed surprising embarrassment at the discreet mention of his hopes .
24 The Republic of Panama seceded from Colombia in 1903 after a revolt encouraged and assisted by the United States .
25 One of the household screamed and fell off the catwalk to the buildings below .
26 With the above transformation , each interval of the coordinate x of length 2 π/; c corresponds to a circular region in the X , Y plane with the origin removed and cut along the line .
27 In the recent film Return of the Jedi , for example , the imaginative licence of science fiction is combined with a reverence for genres already developed within the film industry in order to offer images of Orientalism and primitivism extended and exaggerated beyond the point of realistic representation of ‘ other ’ peoples or goods ( for an extension of this argument see Miller forthcoming ; for a comparable example see Spooner 1986 ) .
28 The sun splashed and faded on the bath as he lay in hot water .
29 An executive , , was engaged on a short term contract to help get the committee established and to assist in the coordination of a survey jointly commissioned by the Bar Council and the Lord Chancellor 's Department to determine objectively whether discrimination exists against women at the Bar and , if so , the extent of such discrimination .
30 ‘ There is a huge volume of milk sold and consumed in the UK and that is not going to change .
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