Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] at [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Simon was riding pillion on a motorcycle when it hit a car head-on at the Three Horse Shoes crossroads at Ashton Keynes in September 1986 .
2 She always slings my card just at the wrong time .
3 This does s seem to be in line with with practice nationally at the present time .
4 An official , four soldiers , four children and two adults were injured as a truck driven by two Goajira Indians drove at speed directly at the presidential motorcade .
5 The result is the present multiplicity of bodies producing confusion both at the administrative level and on the part of the electorate , who are left wondering where and by whom decisions are actually taken .
6 Welcome to the weekly auction here at The Anabaptist Reform Church .
7 Imagine a space capsule in free fall near the Earth : inside it an astronaut strapped to one wall shines a beam of light horizontally at the opposite wall .
8 Earlier Liberal Democrat Simon Hughes said that in a month Mr Lamont could announce proposals which would make 10 million people ineligible for legal aid yet at the same time he had been ‘ allowed £4,000 , his own private legal aid scheme , to pay his own private bill for an entirely private matter ’ .
9 And Post Office United will be in action again at the Junior Stadium , Sydenham on Tuesday September 14 , when they take on Belfast Amazons for the Premier Cup .
10 And Post Office United will be in action again at the Junior Stadium , Sydenham on Tuesday September 14 , when they take on Belfast Amazons for the Premier Cup .
11 They were mesmerized by him and he drove the comedic tension forward at a great rate . ’
12 The referential function gains its prominence only at a later stage , and the metalinguistic function also comes later ; these are the functions on which a considerable amount of attention is lavished at school .
13 But I took on the idea of transcendence only at a personal level .
14 At times , the relay race may have the appearance of a rugby game , as players move downfield together at the same time , each playing their specific role .
15 Please note that letters must be your own original work and must not be offered for publication elsewhere at the same time .
16 Letters submitted must be your own original work and must not be offered for publication elsewhere at the same time .
17 Expelled from the comfort of home usually at the tender age of eight , they were compelled until they left school ( or , in some cases , university ) to associate almost exclusively with other boys , whose behaviour towards them was unpredictable .
18 Among those admiring the portrait yesterday at the Royal Society of Musicians was Sir Yehudi Menuhin , the septuagenarian fiddler .
19 Everyone knows that 1990 will be a tough year , with bookings something like 40 per cent down , the public playing a lament in J. Major , the tour operators bent on improving profit margins instead of competing by price for market share , with heavily reduced capacity particularly at the cheaper end of the range .
20 THE GOVERNMENT 'S flagship education policy of opting out faces a key test today at the Prime Minister 's old school .
21 The Munn Report examined the structure of the curriculum in the last two years of compulsory schooling in Scotland , and carried out its work almost at the same time as the Dunning Committee considered the aims , purposes and forms of assessment for the whole ability range .
22 Ewan would stand and gaze wonderingly at the naked boy forming before his eyes .
23 A more immediate issue concerns the consequences for labour of a structure which gives priority to flexibility yet at the same time promises a lifetime of permanent employment which seems to imply inflexibility .
24 The major exhibition of his work currently at the National Portrait Gallery should help to change that .
25 Smith , a TA corporal in 10 Para and Rennie , a TA sergeant in 15 Para , then returned to Camp Three to pick up extra rope and equipment to push the route further at the next opportunity .
26 A second date was set for last Monday , when Mr Connelly was again told of the cancellation only at the last minute .
27 The matter gave him enormous regret , no doubt an unhappy situation whose solution lay in the lap of the all-merciful Allah ; nothing would give him greater pleasure than to return to Mr Laing his passport , which he had taken into nightly safekeeping only at the specific request of Mr Pyle .
28 What I , what er , I in fact , what , what I did notice in that time that I was there , was that er , when you talk about the old guard , the young people , anybody under forty er they were a little bit cynical about this communism lark and Lenin and the rest of it , they all went to say , they would all go to Lenin 's er statue and in effect have a blessing from Lenin , we went along with them on one occasion , very pleased to do it , but you you got the impression that the younger generation were already in 1982 and the people now that are out there with Yeltsin were shying away from communism , now the thing is this that Gorbachev came along in my opinion exactly at the right time and tried to move things a little our way a little way from the hardline , which obviously could n't be sustained .
29 Lehmann stood there a moment longer at the one-way mirror , then turned back , looking at DeVore .
30 Just to remind members of the club service committee that there is a meeting tonight at the Green Man Hotel at six fifteen .
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