Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [vb -s] out [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This large pathology institute regularly sends out to all doctors in Denmark special packs containing a transport medium into which samples from patients suspected of having gonorrhoea can be inoculated .
2 The conflict also comes out of another division within the working class itself , between its respectable and upward-striving representatives and the poor , who have been dumped on the derelict estates .
3 … and it does mean that I think there is a pressure perhaps grows out of that to make you articulate clearly why you are putting the course together in the way you are … which previously you could have got away with .
4 But the linchpin really falls out of rural communities when village schools are closed .
5 She almost has a three D effect , I er , you know her face really stands out from that background .
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