Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [v-ing] to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She had been unable to concentrate on her reading , her mind constantly straying to the conversation she had had with him in the rose gardens .
2 But today the eyes were vibrant with an anticipatory light and Lady Merchiston sat up against her pillows , her glance alternately flicking to the window and following her companion as she moved about the room , tidying up .
3 Additional gravity data indicate that the overall excess mass of the Huntly 7 basic intrusion is small , the intrusion possibly extending to a depth of no more than 2 kilometres .
4 I want somebody whose sitting there listening to the radio sort of er just relaxed and I I just want you to pick up the phone and ring .
5 As he uncovered them , he was confronted with the pageant , its gold and silverwork dazzling in the sunshine , and the weathercock gracefully bowing to the north in the breeze .
6 Such a combination made Magritte 's work immensely appealing to the Pop Art movement and to the advertising industry , to the artist 's continuing annoyance .
7 Detective Inspector Frank Gregson paced slowly back and forth from one side of his office to the other , his gaze occasionally shifting to the blackboard behind his desk .
8 All that remains of the 18C building once belonging to the Thun family are the portals by Santini .
9 For this scheme it would seem sensible to order the foci within each facet differently according to the nature of the facet .
10 As a result of that demoralising experience Biggs was inactive for more than a year , a cut eye then leading to a stoppage against Francesco Damiani , the Italian he defeated in the Olympic final .
11 Here were a team either playing to a manager 's orders and failing woefully , or simply not playing for him .
12 The people in tighter financial circumstances get higher cost credit — with the extra cost of credit obviously adding to the tightness of their circumstances .
13 And it works well , the fine cracks in its surface merely adding to the character of the bass .
14 ( 2 ) Granting the application , that the central objective of the category of public interest immunity involved was the maintenance of an honourable , disciplined , law-abiding and uncorrupt police force ; that therefore , in view of the public disquiet understandably aroused by proven malpractice of some members of the disbanded West Midlands Serious Crime Squad , and of the extensive publicity already attaching to the authority 's documents following B. 's successful appeal , it could not be said that those who had co-operated in the authority 's investigation would regret that co-operation , or that future generations of potential witnesses would withhold it , if the court were to release the documents to the applicants to enable them to defeat if they could an allegedly corrupt claim in damages ; that the imperative public interest in the case was that the applicants had a proper opportunity of obtaining the evidence they sought so that the grave allegations which they made , and were the same allegations that had troubled the Court of Appeal sufficiently to allow B. 's appeal , could be properly tested in the courts ; and that , accordingly , B. 's undertaking would be varied to allow him to hand over to the applicants those of the authority 's documents which were incorporated in his appeal bundle , the applicants for their part undertaking to use those documents only for the purposes of defending the present libel proceedings pursued against them ( post , pp. 927G — 928A , B ) .
15 How many other twenty-two-year-olds stayed in on a Saturday night just listening to the rain hurl itself against the windows ?
16 Eventually it was time for bed and they waited until the middle of the night before sneaking to the workshop on tip-toes .
17 The possibilities opened up are exceptionally exciting and realisable provided certain strange notions of academic freedom ( in this case often amounting to a student fishing desperately around for an ‘ original ’ and totally useless subject like the history of his old school ) , can be avoided .
18 Gallo also quoted some of the latest work of Daniel Zagury 's team which has discovered a pentapeptide motif in gp120 which is also present in CD4 and which interferes with antigen activation possibly leading to a state of cell anergy and immunodeficiency .
19 A report to the meeting says that 24 people , living in 14 properties near the plant , had signed a petition strongly objecting to the proposal .
20 Er undoubtedly a number of erm our res er our our er employed people , do live in the area immediately adjoining to the South and er the figures that Hambleton have produced and our own estimates based on the National Health er Service records on migration , do indicate that there is a strong movement er on an annual basis into the North Yorkshire area and in particular the sort of area .
21 DUTCH striker Marco van Basten may never fully recover from injury to play soccer again according to a doctor who operated on the star 's injured right ankle .
22 It can get busy at weekends — especially Sundays , with walkers , cyclists and horse-riders and the occasional car or four-wheel drive all contributing to the wear and tear of the track .
23 The United States cases are in one sense less threatening to the policy of the Convention , in that typically they do involve the actual delivery of the relevant document rather than some notional equivalent such as publication at the courthouse door .
24 The Irish attitude , in contrast , tends to be traditional and to regard rugby as a pastime and an international tour mainly adding to the flavour .
25 In the weeks following the engagement she had grown in confidence and self-assurance , her sense of humour frequently bubbling to the surface .
26 It is the maintenance of these audit logs that generates most of the system overhead according to the company ; at the most basic level the extra security imposes a 2% to 3% speed reduction , but as the system records become more complete , this rises .
27 It is the maintenance of these audit logs that generates most of the system overhead according to the company ; at the most basic level the extra security imposes a 2% to 3% speed reduction , but as the system records become more complete , this rises .
28 By 1788 , at a time when the improved Longhorn was at its peak and the Shorthorn already rising to the challenge , an eminent livestock judge declared that the Hereford was the ‘ first breed ’ of cattle in Britain , though the judge lived in the heart of Longhorn and Shorthorn country .
29 Frenchman Roger Yves Bost , a member of the French World Gold Medal winning team in 1990 , scorched round in a time more fitting to a speed class .
30 When Dexter met the superintendent twenty minutes later , Blanche stood outside the Inside Out office still chatting to the security guard .
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