Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [coord] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This brass is thought to have been made by a Flemish craftsman , and depicts a woman sitting up in a four poster bed with her children around her , and twins in a cradle alongside and at the foot of the inscription Lambarde had inscribed " No lady was more full of reverence towards God than she " .
2 It took more optimism than most people could summon to believe that man could renounce the time-honoured outlet of war utterly and at a stroke .
3 It should be getting at the truth quickly and at the moment , there 's an awful lot of paper to get there .
4 Er we 're going to take questions at the end er the camera there is for internal use only and at the end we 'll hand out copies of the slides to anyone who wants them .
5 Any book about the inner city in 1990 can not ignore this failure and must surely look at both the reality on the ground today and at the manner in which academic analysis has conceptualised these problems in ways that have facilitated this persistence .
6 This prevented his release on parole then or at the end of his sentence in 1991 .
7 The seats against the stair well and at the end of the canopy were fixed , but the others were reversible .
8 Over the hill , Glen Garry comes into sight ahead and at a parking place indicating a viewpoint there is a magnificent panorama of this beautiful glen , more water than land , extending to a fine array of the Knoydart peaks on the western horizon .
9 The G M B's European officer has contributed a lot here and at the cutting edge in Brussels .
10 Well , we thought he 'd gone out , but apparently he must have got to the door just as the bomb landed , and the blast blew the door backwards , er the door inwards , knocked me dad backwards and at the back of him we had a cellar , but it went through this , the cellar door and although it turned round before it went down the cellar , he finished up down there because we did n't know this til after a while that me brother wou did n't offer to go out , so I went out think , to find where me dad was you see .
11 ‘ Mixed marriage ’ seems such an outdated expression nowadays but at the turn of the century it must have been quite a sacrifice for both of them to make .
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