Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] the [adj] [noun pl] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 DEC is trying to gain visibility for the 661 companies it says are converting programmes for Alpha RISC .
2 ‘ I would also like to thank Renault , Elf and the team 's sponsors for their support during the two years I have worked with them .
3 Again , anyone like Daphne Sheldrick , who wrote The Orphans of Tsavo about the wild animals she reared in Tsavo National Park , Kenya , where her husband David was for many years the highly successful warden , knows that African elephant calves are easily tamed .
4 Stephen Tyler-Upfield wants to switch from conversions into building for the first-time buyers he believes are now increasing there .
5 From my crevice between the two machines I can just see Pa 's face .
6 I conclude , then , not with stirring words of praise for the philosophy of animal rights , or with caustic words of censure for the other philosophies I have mentioned .
7 In early 1990 , when he was attracting the international attention of the Scotland national coach Andy Roxburgh , the Scottish tabloid press ran a sad and damaging story about the financial catastrophes he had left behind in Glasgow .
8 When they got there a group of men were already pulling the monster off the sharpened stakes they had set in the bottom of a pit .
9 One must pay tribute to her dedication , and the gratitude of all connected with the Club , past , present and future is her due for the patient hours she has obviously spent in researching club records , the Henley Standard and personal reminiscences of many people who have been associated with the Club 's story .
10 We had to put it in erm oh what did we call it oh dear a little vice and er put a ball , about three inches long and then er put it into the plug and erm put the cap , the little brass cap but also the I 've made a mistake there , before we did that we had to put the natural plug in and in that plug there were five like aluminium coloured er pins , each of a different size and we had to learn to read the key for the various depths you see and we had boxes of pins with the different sizes in and er then put those in the plug and then push the key in and but we 'd got to , we got to file , we had to file the bars and also the little brass caps to get all the edge the , I forget what we used to call it now , off the cap to get it smooth and then get it in our own vice and screw , screw them down and there were thirty two , there were three key keys to each , each lock , and er we had to file them until they were ready and they worked easily push the key in properly , and we also used to put black lead in , you could not put oil because they would have stopped the springs working and we had a little box of ordinary oh like the black lead that we used to black lead the graves , put some on the key and push that then and work it round , and that was the erm that was made it work freely you see and then there was erm a half a gross to each board , and three , three keys to each one and then erm we , we filed the various things ourselves , but then they would take that away from you and bring you more you see and then when eventually the keys had to be polished and it was only a favourite few that were allowed to sit down to sort the keys out to com to complete them you see , but it was very very interesting work and I enjoyed being there but you
11 Aggie still would not contemplate getting a mouser and when Harold raised the roof about the lethal traps she threw them out and blocked up the holes in the flooring and the wooden skirting-boards with old newspapers soaked in lavender water .
12 You can continue to pursue the key words in different directions , thinking of the various ways they can a used .
13 ‘ Some people work hard all their lives and still have nothing , ’ I reminded him , thinking of the fifty pounds I 've saved for the gas bill .
14 By thinking of the main directions you will allow the Primary Control to work as it should and this , in turn , will naturally organize all the other reflexes and muscles .
15 But beneath his flippancy was a real sympathy for what we were trying to do and an appreciation of the common aims we shared for work in the schools .
16 Ines Oppenheimer comments : ‘ I actually think I have had a more interesting career as a result of the many changes I have made .
17 Sometimes they carried out the work at the Hankses ' cottage and occasionally at the farm , but so tired was Seb as a result of the long days he was working that twice he fell asleep while Carrie was writing .
18 Suffice it to say that in any extended study of the martial arts it warrants closer examination .
19 ‘ I am sorry to inform you that we no longer carry a stock of the spare parts you require .
20 They have always been unseemly , since they make a mockery of the moral values they purport to uphold .
21 Rincewind did not glance around for fear of the terrible things he might see , and by the time Withel looked for him again he was on the other side of the Plaza , and still accelerating .
22 When she placed the paper cone by the side of the three bags she was confronted by a pair of unsmiling eyes and a voice that held condemnation : ‘ Ye 've nivvor weighed it . ’
23 In Part Two I want to try to develop some of this potential and outline a ‘ postclassical ’ perspective : that is , a perspective grounded on the fundamental assumptions made by Beccaria , but with some liberties taken and adjustments made in the light of the various problems it has encountered .
24 I blush in light of the many times we have floundered recently , not to mention my straying .
25 Indeed , one of Dunleavy 's key themes is the central role of state professionals and bureaucracies defending their own material positions , if necessary at the expense of the public services they are supposed to be providing .
26 To co-ordinate with the modern kitchen , it is finished in dove grey and charcoal with discreet red styling lines and had the full complement of the labour-saving features you demand .
27 The Japanese community who live on the reef have been awarded the Peter Scott Merit Award in recognition of the 11 years they have spent fighting the development .
28 A reproduction Cromwellian Clock , made by the Goldsmiths ' and Silversmiths ' Company , was presented to ‘ Monty ’ in recognition of the distinguished services he had rendered to his King and Country , and the inscription included the Arms of Montgomery as well as the Arms of the Borough .
29 In an article in today 's Mail on Sunday Dr Owen also warns Tory leaders that if they rule out coalition with the Liberal Democrats they could end 13 years in
30 If then any acts of animals are analogous to human acts and spring from the same principles we have duties towards the animals because thus we cultivate the corresponding duties towards human beings .
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