Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [v-ing] the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is one thing to win the support of electors by defeating an enemy for the first time ; it is quite another to expect admiration for slaying the same dragon twice .
2 As an example , property insurance is cheaper than liability insurance , so that it makes more sense , for instance , for a site-owner to insure against the fire risk of a fire caused by an installer , under fire insurance , than it does for the installer to insure against liability for causing the same risk , under a public liability or contractor 's all risks policy .
3 If a man believes in a different god , or even if he uses a different ritual for worshipping the same god , blind faith can decree that he should die — on the cross , at the stake , skewered on a Crusader 's sword , shot in a Beirut street , or blown up in a bar in Belfast .
4 Whether this is a real practical difficulty depends on whether the desire to save face would not anyway have this effect of encouraging the same decision to be made again , even if there were no risk of a damages award .
5 If an employer does not prevent them availing themselves of the opportunity to learn business secrets how can he later seek to restrain an employee from using the same information .
6 It commits the industry to applying the same ban on billboard advertising overlooking playgrounds as already applies to billboard advertising close to schools .
7 Whelan chose the Faldo route to fame and fortune , employing world No 1 coach David Leadbetter in the hope of acquiring the same consistency .
8 The obvious difficulty of having the same method of election for both Houses is that it would tend to produce a mirror image and devalue the House of Lords as a check .
9 Once again , this gives experience of moulding the same amount into different forms .
10 All of this immediacy is missing from the experience of viewing the same lecture recorded on video .
11 there 's no likelihood of getting the same sort of regime that we 've got which I know is n't democratic in that sense
12 Many amateur players fall into the trap of using the same club when chipping .
13 But they too were in danger of meeting the same fate , and for the same reason : the document safeguarding the rights of the monastic community , which St Thomas had intended to make , did not exist .
14 Still , if there were villages in Ireland these days where a man might be in danger of meeting the same ill-fortune face to face , Owen feared he was getting near them .
15 Prague , the much vaunted Sleeping Beauty is in danger of enduring the same fate as Venice , with the Sleeping Beauty being snogged to death by the West .
16 Mr Knapp said he hoped British Rail would recognise the anger among its 130,000 workers , but added : ‘ The board is in danger of making the same mistake as in 1989 of underestimating the mood of its workforce . ’
17 IBM was perceived as the winner , just as today , even the things it does right are in trouble because IBM is perceived as the industry 's most emphatic loser , and more and more people are talking seriously about the company being in danger of going the same way as Prime Computer Inc , Wang Laboratories Inc and Control Data Corp .
18 An architecture centre is in danger of doing the same thing and , to that extent , is distinctly against the interests of the membership as a whole .
19 What would turn me either to stone or to desperation would be the boredom of hearing the same thing over and over again .
20 One obstacle to adopting the same course under the new Act is that , in the cases of riot , violent disorder and affray , where the conduct of joint defendants is to be assessed together , the Act actually says so .
21 Mr Fowler said that while the existing law provided that it was automatically unfair to dismiss anyone for not being a union member , the bill completed the outlawing of the closed shop by extending the same protection to people applying for jobs .
22 If this is correct , by parity of reasoning the same conclusion would apply to a bankruptcy petition .
23 He came to the conclusion , as he puts it , ‘ that the eternal world is trivial , and that mathematics is only the art of saying the same thing in different words . ’
24 The lifelong speciality of handling the same tool becomes the lifelong speciality of serving the same machine … .
25 The lifelong speciality of handling the same tool becomes the lifelong speciality of serving the same machine … .
26 Lamb 's friends are asking why Gower was given a free hand to make his remarks while Lamb faces one of the toughest penalties ever imposed in cricket for making the same kind of accusation .
27 Having proved the value of a design-led business , Conran saw the logic of applying the same approach to other retail companies that had perhaps got left behind in the high-street revolution .
28 Bodie shivered at the thought of undergoing the same operation as his colleague .
29 Japanese plans to build an international airport on the Shiraho reef have been abandoned — in favour of building the same airport on the next reef along .
30 The rig is also used to encourage the turn by using the same steering technique as on a run
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