Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun prp] [prep] the second " in BNC.

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1 Despite a failure to negotiate a comprehensive peace settlement for Cambodia during the second Jakarta Informal Meeting ( JIM ) in February 1989 [ see p. 36464 ] and during the Paris conference on Cambodia in August [ see pp. 36848-49 ] , certain concessions offered in late 1989 by the resistance groups and the Phnom Penh government indicated that a political solution to the Cambodian problem might be taking shape [ for acceptance in January 1990 of an Australian peace proposal by the five permanent members of the UN Security Council see pp. 37186-87 ] .
2 The Russian Revolution , and the revolutions in Central Europe at the end of the First World War , took place after military defeats ; and while in China the revolutionary movement led by the Communist Party was finally victorious in a civil war fought after the defeat of Japan in the Second World War , that victory was nevertheless largely due to the earlier defeat and retreat of the Chinese Nationalist armies in the war with Japan , and to the success of the Communist Party in organizing guerrilla warfare in the Japanese-occupied areas .
3 There has been so much drama , not only over the first two days , when Henri Leconte had made his fairy tale return to Davis Cup play with his stunning defeat of Sampras in the second singles and then his inspirational contribution to France 's doubles success as he and Forget maintained an 8–0 unbeaten record together in the competition , that it was both right and proper that there should have been more to come .
4 The US secretary of state , George Marshall , displayed such imagination for the stricken continent of Europe after the second world war .
5 Gloucestershire are facing the prospect of defeat against Somerset in the second round of the Nat West Trophy .
6 A Masai who acquitted himself well in hand-to-hand fighting in Burma during the Second World War was allowed to keep the samurai sword he captured : ‘ Please do not take this sword away from this soldier ’ , the man 's commanding officer wrote on the wound tag around his neck , ‘ He is a Masai . ’
7 The development of a civil service style of correctional administration can serve as the starting-point for my main theme , a comparison of Howard 's concerns with the changes , reforms and setbacks of prison administration in Texas since the Second World War .
8 In the courtyard is a wooden statue of Hercules from the second quarter of the 18C , attributed to L. Widmann .
9 He liked America , he had studied agriculture at the top University of Utah after the Second World War .
10 On land the Company was not really strong enough for such antics , but its naval superiority gave it a place in the third or fourth rank of powers in India , beneath the Emperor at the top and great rulers like the Nawab of Bengal in the second rank .
11 These are aids of a social character , those given to relieve the effects of natural disasters and those designed to compensate for economic disadvantages caused by the division of Germany after the Second World War .
12 In the period between the two maps , the former distortion has just faded out whereas the latter has amplified and migrated to become the significant cyclonic region at the south of Greenland in the second map .
13 Last year they went one better , overcoming Waterlooville before losing 1-0 at home to Sutton in the second round .
14 Last year they went one better , overcoming Waterlooville before losing 1-0 at home to Sutton in the second round .
15 He sat for his home town of Stafford in the second Protectorate Parliament of 1656–8 , but is recorded as a more active speaker in the 1659 Parliament of Richard Cromwell [ q.v . ] .
16 How many of the forums are eventually scheduled depends on the level of sponsorship , but the first is already planned for ‘ recovering ’ East European countries which takes place in Budapest in the second quarter of 1993 .
17 The Czechoslovak government faced a demand from Sudeten Germans for material compensation for their expulsion from Czechoslovakia after the Second World War .
18 Polybius again went a step further by passing over in silence the Roman Bacchanalia which chronologically and typologically can hardly be separated from the new popularity of Dionysus in Egypt about 210 B.C. He was also silent about the religious crisis in Rome during the second Punic War : we do not hear from him about the human sacrifices of that time .
19 AT the end of an exciting morning 's play in which all three foursomes matches went to the final green , England established a one-point lead over Ireland on the second day of the Women 's Home international golf championship 's at Hermitage .
20 Masterpieces by El Greco , Carracci , Murillo and Teniers were secured by the First Duke of Montagu of the second creation and his wife in the mid-eighteenth century , while as Rosamond Savile documents , the celebrated collection of Sèvres was acquired , in an astonishingly short period in 1830–31 , by the Fifth Duke of Buccleuch , who also greatly enriched the holdings of French furniture .
21 Pacelli 's relationship with Germany during the Second World War , and his apparent failure to act sufficiently vigorously in defence of the Jews , remains the great enigma of his pontificate .
22 Kenneth Taylor , who said he did not receive any extra payment other than his normal wages , was giving evidence at the High Court in Aberdeen on the second day of the trial of Alexander Murray .
23 The film , about the effect of war on young men at a United States Air Force base in Cambridgeshire during the Second World War , demanded that Crawford learn to speak with an American accent — in twenty-four hours .
24 A recent report named my local authority of Calderdale as the second most efficient metropolitan council in the country .
25 He played for Bradford Park Avenue against Millwall in the Second Division 60 years ago at the age of 15 years , 158 days .
26 I faced this onslaught yesterday as I became an assistant in Selfridges on the second day of their sale .
27 Scholars continue to unearth new facts and new material : one of the most exciting events of the 1980s was the almost accidental rediscovery in Kraków , Poland , of a substantial number of major autograph manuscripts ( including The Magic Flute , the C minor Mass , and the ‘ Jupiter ’ Symphony ) which had disappeared from the Prussian State Library in Berlin during the Second World War , and which were feared lost for ever .
28 Its use in Germany during the Second World War provided the most dramatic illustration of the power of the symbol .
29 For Celtic and Macari , a vital game tomorrow in advance of Tuesday 's flight to Lisbon for the second leg UEFA Cup tie .
30 Now , I think there 's probably a very nice parallel here , I ca n't help thinking it was probably a bit better , must have been better organised in the Second World War , but there 's going to be a erm special exhibition here is n't there , on memories of change on Oxford in the Second World War , and of course there were a great many extra people there too .
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