Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [pron] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Some months earlier I had written to Sir Sidney Barton who , fortunately for me , was still British Minister in Addis Ababa , asking him to obtain the Emperor 's permission for me to follow the Awash river through the Danakil country to discover where and how it ended .
2 I will make contact with the movement and get permission for you to attend the next meeting . ’
3 He has persuaded the new Armed Forces minister , Jeremy Hanley , to see a delegation next week to hear Chester 's case for it to have the new centralised pay and personnel centre .
4 David escorted her there on her first morning and was touchingly concerned for her , insisting on taking a cushion for her to soften the hard seat on the press benches and urging her to promise to leave the stuffy , dark-panelled room if she felt faint or troubled .
5 It 's a shared responsibility between them to create the right environment so that the magic can happen . ’
6 It is a pleasure for me to announce the inaugural International First Turkey , and to award it to Mr Kaneo Nakamura , recent chairman of the Industrial Bank of Japan ( IBJ ) .
7 As Beatson has stated , ‘ a system that uses the pragmatic approach is not using the concept of error of law as an organizing principle ’ as such , but rather as a facade behind which to weigh the relative competence of court and agency .
8 ‘ Realism ’ in International Relations inherited both the presumption that the methods of natural science are the key with which to unlock the social world and the ambivalence about ‘ necessary and constant ’ .
9 Between September 1986 and April 1988 work took place to restore Llanthony Warehouse in which to house the National Waterways Museum and offices for British Waterways .
10 I was able to buy a small car in which to make the fifteen-minute drive to the campus each day .
11 In particular he thought that the fundamental principles of Aristotle 's philosophy could provide a setting in which to express the revealed truths of Christian faith .
12 Seriously , coal does n't exist outside of a market condition , OK ? and you ca n't have a market condition without someone to extract the damn stuff .
13 But he believes that linen is the ideal instrument by which to probe the hidden depths of marital life .
14 There was , in particular , a renewed surge of spending on state schools , part of it to finance the rapid completion of the comprehensive secondary education system now being finished under the aegis of Shirley Williams , a right-wing member of the government but also a critic of private schooling .
15 The Khlist was the perfect vehicle with which to secure the acceptable seduction of vulnerable women , and the message he propounded of redemption through sexual release resulted in hundreds of guilt-ridden and frustrated women falling prey to his advances ; his bedroom soon became known as ‘ the Holy of Holies ’ .
16 These techniques now provide the analyst with a formidable armoury with which to attack the many scientific problems associated with art research .
17 ALBA Yacht Services , based at Oban on the west coast of Scotland , offer a wide range of boats from Moody 31s to a Westerly Sealord with which to cruise the Western Isles .
18 Haslam 's exposure to the worldwide business scene nevertheless gives him an extra dimension with which to tackle the British Coal job .
19 The Aeronca is very definitely a machine from which to appreciate the fun side of flying , as the countryside passes by in a very relaxed fashion .
20 My Member of Parliament , Harold Lever , in response to an earlier letter of mine , wrote to the Algerian ambassador in London and got approval for me to cross the Algerian Sahara on foot .
21 Central government not only mapped out extended statutory territory for local councils to develop , but also provided a large financial incentive for them to cultivate the new territory .
22 In either event , it is argued that the residual rights of the shareholders create an appropriate incentive for them to activate the relevant disciplinary mechanisms .
23 Would the counts now war amongst themselves to establish the strongest ?
24 In the religious sphere the government was quite clearly using the Famine as a political weapon with which to subdue the Orthodox Church .
25 With the devoted assistance of several technical wizards we converted my A-frame into an alchemist 's chamber of optical and electronic apparatus with which to visualize the unseen dimensions of sound and form so often described by metaphysicians .
26 But , as with the wealth of other experiments that matrix isolation has made possible , the drawbacks are insignificant compared with the value of the techniques as , sometimes , the only tool with which to examine the inner workings of chemical reactions .
27 On the question of religion , the Buddhist tends to think of it as a raft with which to cross the tempestuous seas of existence , and the Buddha once asked , " What would you say to someone who carried his raft around with him when he had arrived ? "
28 The reply card became the basis of a mailing list for the mother when the infant was nine months , ideally the best moment in which to address the Better Shoe brand message to her .
29 This , obviously , is the place from which to inspect the western Pyrenees for a first time or , given the summary quality of the prospect , from which to take leave of them before driving north .
30 Standing by the front door is an excellent vantage point from which to admire the main part of the garden which is certainly colourful .
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