Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun] [pron] had the " in BNC.

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1 Charity bets twenty five pounds and we came down in the car from Newmarket she had the she had the post out the light everything , now what 's what 's it going on ?
2 So when unemployment approached one million in early ‘ 72 , following fiscal deflation in earlier budgets , the government went for reflation by means of substantial tax cuts — a course of action which had the full support of most economic commentators including the ‘ Times ’ .
3 so from Audrey Wise but it was an act of parliament which had the support the Labour Party as well because the purpose of it is is to help wives to help mothers
4 It was the Committee of Ministers which had the ability to determine budgets , decide on employment in the secretariat , and rule on applications for membership .
5 The panel of judges was selected from leading retailers , briefed to select the winner as the range of carpets which had the most originality and innovation with outstanding sales potential .
6 The work with patients who had the delusion of being watched , and who spoke of the watcher as another person in terms like the following : ‘ He is waiting for me to go now ’ , or ‘ He thinks I should do such and such ’ , had first led Freud to suggest that a part of a person 's ego can keep watch over another part .
7 I would n't be surprised if they were the sort of people who had the stolen bicycle down in the bushes .
8 ‘ From our point of view we had the opportunity to start a new firm which had a client base already , and with ‘ support ’ from E&Y , ’ he explains .
9 Leapor was , of course , discovered by Freemantle who , though relatively learned , had to bring her friend to the attention of others who had the social connections to promote her work :
10 The American armed services were considering how they might react to an appeal for assistance from an anti-communist government in Tehran , or how they should respond to a coup by elements which had the backing of Moscow .
11 The agencies had published a Code of Practice which had the approval of the Office of Fair Trading .
12 AN AMERICAN visitor to Panama who had the rare chance of meeting General Manuel Antonio Noriega said the dictator bore ‘ that look of doom on his face ’ .
13 This line goes to Linnchurping seat of the regional government of Erstogoetsland Which had the task of awarding the franchise .
14 ‘ At the end of July we had the summit in sight — completion of the installation work — but there is still some stiff climbing before we reach it , ’ he said .
15 How long is it since it was last , the end of October we had the washing machine was n't it ?
16 It seemed he had left in the Casa Guidi a gun of which he was fond , taking only his hunting rifle in case he had the chance to go into the country to shoot rabbits .
17 By a sort of transposed assumption based on post-war experience Acheson had told the National War College in December 1947 that for Greeks , Italians and others it had not been a free choice whether they accepted or rejected communism : because they were being coerced either by an internal organization financed by other countries or by external pressure to adopt a system of government which had the inescapable consequence of inclusion in the system of Russian power .
18 By the convention in force he had the duty of suggesting the name of a successor .
19 To pursue our simple example above : if Greenhouses is not a term in our controlled language , we might search under Glasshouses instead and retrieve a set of documents which had the controlled index language term Glasshouses assigned .
20 As I swabbed the table with disinfectant I had the old feeling of helplessness .
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