Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun] [pron] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Marsha presented BSAD with a cheque for £14,000 which will help towards the cost of organising the championships .
2 The RSPB are appealing for a demonstration of public support for reforms which will benefit the environment .
3 Er okay it 's a little bit about questions we should ask so in summary then what sort of questions should we ask the group ?
4 They were understandably concerned to steer a middle course between over-confidence which might lead to an excessive number of candidates and realism which might have a restrictive effect .
5 Traffic wardens and police patrols have been given instructions to keep a careful watch for motorists who may attempt to break the new rules .
6 He refused to elaborate , but is known to have expressed dismay at a proposed increase in prize money for doubles which would give singles only a 70-30 advantage .
7 You see , I 've been offered a great deal of money for information which might discredit Alan Dysart : anything scandalous from his past or present .
8 ‘ I 'm always on the lookout for players who will benefit Derry City and Ian has agreed to come over for a month initially , ’ said Coyle .
9 ‘ I 'm always on the lookout for players who will benefit Derry City and Ian has agreed to come over for a month initially , ’ said Coyle .
10 I think perhaps if you go over the field after Ben she would make
11 And with Forest still at the bottom of the Premier League , Clough insisted : ‘ If I 'd waited to offer him the contract after Saturday he may have blown it .
12 It was held that where an absolute owner brings an action for trespass he must prove title and an intention to regain possession .
13 That means that there is 1 single spot available and unless he gets some more first team football for Leeds he will watch USA-94 on the telly ( like the rests of us ? — i am considering travelling but prices seem very high — at least for the ‘ package tours ’ with tickets for the games and hotels booked ; prices from GBP 1300 over here ) .
14 If she could get there before the long closure for lunch-hour he would make her up a preparation , and Peony could get it back to her mother and possibly get back again to the harbour for the Swimming Gala .
15 Last November he refused to chair a conference on AIDS for fear it might cause panic .
16 The result was a bitter disappointment for Wimbledon who could have scored on three occasions in the first half .
17 But humbly regret that the Gracious Speech seeks to continue economic policies which have caused a deep and damaging recession , falling output and investment , rising unemployment and record levels of business failures and house repossessions ; and call upon the Government to adopt a programme for recovery which will encourage investment and rising levels of employment by the promotion of sustained investment in the manufacturing sector , by encouraging industrial innovation through the application of science and technology and by fully exploiting the potential of the neglected regions through vigorous regional policies , and by providing new opportunities in education and training which are crucial to Britain 's economic recovery and future prosperity .
18 But his distaste went deeper than irritation at an unwelcome complication to his inquiry , at the bizarre intrusion of irrationality into a job so firmly rooted in the search for evidence which would stand up in court , documented , demonstrable , real .
19 This can be the outcome of ( a ) a process which selects only those facts which prove a given case , and omits others — an intentional distortion of evidence ; or ( b ) an unwitting omission , a failure to carry out the exhaustive search for evidence which should characterise historical study .
20 The search for animals which can identify kin has now led to the discovery that honey bees discriminate between full and half sisters .
21 And it even happens where the clays which overlie the chalk , the tertiary clays which you can see for example in the top of the cliffs at Newhaven , and if you look back at the cliff from the western breakwater for example you can see clay sitting on top of chalk .
22 Happy talking talking happy talk ba ba ba ba ba talk about things you 'd like to do .
23 However the construction of extra classrooms and toilets depends on the success of a new bid for funding which will decided by the next Government at the end of this year .
24 Club members — they have all either undergone open heart surgery themselves or have helped loved ones through the ordeal — display this zest for life which would encourage anyone faced with the same ordeal .
25 Equally at home with highbrow or no-brow cinema , Kael is unapologetic about feeding a sweet tooth for vulgarity which can seem incongruous in the New Yorker 's staid pages .
26 If machines such as JET prove the scientific feasibility of fusion there will have to be even larger machines if we are to prove fusion 's technical and economic feasibility .
27 yes , any colour you can think of , I mean erm , blue I think is one of the worse , but thinking of lampshades we used to sell a lot of er lampshades for putting on table lamps er and erm , we 'd have just about every colour and somebody would come along and say well erm have n't you got one in purple and of course I 'd refrain from saying thank god no I have n't
28 In the grant-aided sector we used to sit around in our meetings thinking of ways we could open things out and get away from things being dominated by White middle-class people .
29 I have some sympathy for the Home Secretary in these matters , he is not an Officer of State who over-occupies the position for whom I normally have a great deal of sympathy I must confess , er but on this occasion I do have some sympathy .
30 On the other hand ( see page 46 ) reasoning with children involves giving them a great deal of attention which might reinforce and maintain , if not increase , the quarrelsomeness .
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