Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] may [be] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Ophiomedea duplicata may be mistaken for a juvenile Ophiotrema alberti , it differs from that species by the following characters ; the jaw shape is as wide as long not longer than wide as in O. alberti ; there are fewer oral papillae and oral tentacle scales than in O. alberti , the ventral arm plates are bell shaped with a distinctly widened distal edge , the ventral arm plates of O. alberti being more pentagonal or rectangular with rounded edges and the distal edge indented but not widened .
2 In many systems the optimum profile is more involved , e.g. an exponential form may be needed for acceleration and an inverse exponential for deceleration .
3 For example , an exponential ramp may be required for optimum acceleration , but its implementation is expensive and so the designer may compromise with a linear ramp , which is available at very low cost .
4 A teaching plan may be devised for the patient and the information needed may be given in short sessions so that the patient has time to absorb the information and ask questions .
5 The PhD degree may be awarded for work done in any department of the University .
6 The double column technique may be used for this challenging process and to record further progress ( see Figure 5.4 ) .
7 However , a student who has performed outstandingly well in the HNC/HND examinations or has taken a combination of units particularly well matched with the requirements of the degree course may be considered for exemption from appropriate parts ( normally up to half ) of the second-year ( or the part-time equivalent ) of the degree course .
8 For example , a ball point pen may be purchased for personal use or by a company for use in its business .
9 The Takeover Panel may be asked for advice by telephone and responds very quickly to enquiries .
10 To help you get organised a group option may be held for up to one month before deposits are required , and names need not be supplied until 12 weeks before departure .
11 The £1,800 odd paid on discharge of the local authority mortgage may be ignored for the purposes of the argument .
12 This may be to acquaynt you that their is a pore yong women in oure Towne of Asston-underlyne infected with a filthy deceassed called the French poxe and shee saith shee was defiled by one Henry Heyworth a maryed man , but soe it is the report of that dessease occasioneth neighbours to deny hir harbour and shee is enforced to lye in the streetes and in great danger to bee starved , I do humbly intreate your worshipps to take it into your consideration and to grant your Order that the pore woman may be provyded for to prevent starveing , either upon the parrish charges , or upon the Costs of the said Heyworth whom she saith hath spoiled hir , whether yiur worshipps shall think fitt
13 In clinical practice grommet insertion may be performed for a number of different indications apart from hearing loss .
14 Analytical techniques such as atomic absorption spectrophotometry and neutron activation analysis may be required for quantitative determination at such low levels .
15 In 4.2 we discussed the way in which a hierarchical rank structure may be posited for various discourse types and considered as examples the internal structure of a series of books and a trial .
16 The legal advice scheme may be invoked for initial advice and assistance , but the litigant who requires the services of a lawyer in civil proceedings must rely on the provisions of the representation element of the legal aid scheme or meet the cost himself or herself .
17 However , the key to the avoidance of uncontrolled complexity in any engineering domain may be to go for a complete and as rigorous as possible a description of the problem in hand before any detailed calculations are made on the precise properties of the postulated design .
18 Both measures are retrospective to 1 January 1993 ; that is , export licences may be issued for objects ‘ lawfully and definitively located ’ in a member state on that date , and the restitution procedure may be started for an object unlawfully removed from a member state on or after that date .
19 OED entries which are unchanged after the final integration process may be approved for transfer to the composition system without editorial change , requiring only one version to be kept .
20 However , when the firm wants to move into a new area , a special project organization may be created for this purpose .
21 Thus , a care order may be made for the " appeal period " where a child is the subject of an interim care order at the time the application is dismissed .
22 A reduction in satisfaction on the effort front may be traded for more satisfaction on the pay front .
23 Acquisition accounting should be used for all acquisitions and merger accounting may be used for mergers .
24 A sputum specimen may be sent for culture if an infection is suspected .
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