Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] from [pron] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 By the time we reached the rock promontory from which the classic view of Wen Zawn is obtained , the mist was slowly being burned away and the sun was rapidly drying out that awesome looking slab .
2 What useful management information is available from the accounting system from which the annual accounts are produced ?
3 Sample effects , including the problems of charging of solid samples , and the difficulty of defining a reference level from which the binding energy can be measured for an insulating solid .
4 This approach sees classical and ultra-modern theories as constituting a sound tradition from which the Cartesian emphasis on consciousness constitutes an unfortunate aberration .
5 That is , R&D done by rivals adds to information generated by a firm 's own R&D activities , and both are useful , non-competing inputs which expand the knowledge base from which the future innovations of all firms emerge .
6 The source studies reported in the table differed in respect of the type of comparison programme from which the incremental cost per QALY is assessed .
7 And Jesus adds his own comment on the Genesis passage from which the one-flesh teaching is taken , ‘ What God has joined together , let man not separate ’ ( Matt. 19:6 ) .
8 Parallels between it and such English works as the Alphonso Psalter ( c.1284–1300 ) reflect the very close connections between English and northern French manuscript painting and book production from which the so-called ‘ court style ’ of the decades around 1300 was derived .
9 Thirdly , we need a CITB and engineering construction sector from which the heavy hand of conservatism has been removed .
10 The attempt to adopt a public health model , bringing a whole host of welfare agencies to primary intervention opened up ‘ a power struggle from which the mental health field had yet to recover ’ , according to Gardner ( writing in 1977 ) .
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