Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] make [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Brine shrimp make a good addition to its otherwise vegetarian diet .
2 The Banking dictionary made a significant contribution ( to 95% level ) to the recognition of Estate Agents ' text .
3 One way to think of the development of the worm is to draw an analogy with a digital computer and think of the cells at every cell division making a discrete choice as to what to do next .
4 Now , offices , the County Hall and even a car park make a bigger impact but the prison retains its huge central site .
5 If Mothers ' Club Donation makes the front page , how about Local Rector 's Son Kidnapped , Murdered , In Italy ?
6 In sport , on April 27th , Brian Clough showed his membership of the pantheon of verbal Rottweilers when his retirement as manager of Nottingham Forest football club made the front page of every British daily paper , including the Financial Times .
7 Fresh spring rhubarb makes a delectable jam or jelly , although the very early stalks may not have quite enough natural pectin to set properly .
8 Numbers are of course too small to draw any conclusion from this finding ; what is clear is that the action project made no evident difference to clients ' cognitive impairment .
9 For example , the Australian state export agency made a special programme on Australian rock music entitled ‘ Music From The Land Of Oz ’ .
10 The elusive snow leopard makes a rare appearance in Ladakh , on the 5th .
11 A special casting factory was built at Wolff Road in the harbour estate to make the concrete box units which link together to make the carriageway .
12 Raspberry vinegar makes a wonderful salad dressing but is also used extensively in nouvelle cuisine for sauces and trickled over soft fruits ( sometimes with a little black pepper ) .
13 A Guardian stalwart made a telling observation about him : ‘ While Ian Wolldridge might spend hours searching for the good line , Hugh will spend the time searching for the truth ’ — and suddenly I saw McIlvanney almost as if he were a bare-knuckle fighter in one of his brother 's novels .
14 My work experience made a large impression on my life .
15 A young Arsenal fan made the same point after having listened rather contemptuously to a discussion by academics about working-class ‘ resistance ’ to increasing middle-class infiltration of football .
16 to provide opportunities for members not attracted to committee work to make a useful contribution .
17 Paddy Ashdown and his campaign team made a smooth landing at Gloucester airport .
18 Dr Smith explained that MB Group , formerly Metal Box , had identified Caradon 18 months ago as a suitable means of expanding into building products but the company had had to reorganise itself and create a new management team to make the current deal possible .
19 On the contrary , immense efforts were made to secure a military treaty with independent India , the Chiefs of Staff having given it as their opinion that India 's manpower resources and location as a staging post made a military understanding with her ‘ essential from the aspect of imperial strategy ’ .
20 The Audit Commission makes the following comment :
21 Erm the point which I do n't think I a quite adequately covered , erm Alan mentioned it did you not , in relation to where you give a signal , erm th the h new Highway Code makes a slight variation in relation to where you should give the signal when you 're exiting on the roundabout .
22 Obviously the gallery owner makes a calculated risk by devoting wall space entirely to the work of a single artist .
23 A well–designed new shopping centre makes an attractive feature within the town
24 It is impossible for any glider pilot to make a high cloud climb and to be sure of his position .
25 The management company makes an initial investment charge when it sells a unit to an investor and makes an annual charge on the value of the fund .
26 He moved into Buckingham Palace when his mother became Queen and the Queen Mother made the reverse journey with Princess Margaret .
27 The US still dominates the world HIS market , hence the importance of T&L 's joint venture with Johnson & Johnson , which has the marketing muscle in its home market to make a serious impact .
28 ‘ I only ‘ ope he ‘ ad time to make a full confession , ’ said Tommy .
29 Only medium and large sizes are made in these real men 's jumpers , but the large linen shirt makes a wonderful tunic for a woman of average size and will probably keep her knees nice and warm .
30 Or this : ‘ At this point ideology makes a forceful intervention … the voice of ideology is frequently heard … ideology never stops talking . ’
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